Another loading question

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Another loading question

Post by aim2please »

Hey guys i have another question for you all!!

I was wondering what order you guys change your variable when loading ammo?

I think its obvious to change your powder charge first, if that doesn't give satisfactory results, do you change powder, bullet, bullet seating depths?

If the question doesn't make sense let me know and i'll try to re-word it.
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Re: Another loading question

Post by dangaff »

Good question,

I have also been wondering the same thing.

Should be interesting to see what the guru's have to say.

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Re: Another loading question

Post by trevort »

Rinso should answer this one, he's done a good job of it before.

The crucial thing is that you only change one thing at a time.

I seat the pill out in a dummy round and keep trying to close it in the chamber until it nearly closes. Then I colour it with a black texta and seat it down a little, like quarter turn on the micrometer until it chambers and comes out without lands marks on it. I tend not to experiment too much with seating depth after that.

I load up in small increments and find the charge that gets best accuracy and generally leave it there.

You can then try varying the seating depth with the most promising charge

If you use bushing dies you can vary the neck tension and try that

you can do the incremental charge thing again with a differnt primer

then a different powder

hmmm options are endless but then when you can get a half inch group, how good a shooter are you to keep trying differnt combos to make it 1/4inch. Sometimes its my ability as a shooter that makes me stop, that and the fact that you hit most of what your aiming at in the field.

Oh and any new loader who wants accuracy needs to read the article on accurate brass for varminting written by Ned Kelly on the main website

Re: Another loading question

Post by aim2please »

Thanks trev for that.

Just finished reading the article actually :wink:
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Re: Another loading question

Post by macca »

Very tongue in cheek,get a 6br and shoot. :wink:
I pick the projectile first and then find the powder that gives me the fps I require for my purpose.
I do a ladder test,then do 5 or 10 shot groups to work out the powder load.Then depending on the rifles purpose (target/varmiting or hunting) play around with the seating depth.Then neck tension.
Trevort actually summed it up well in his post.
It's all about what you consider enough accuracy for the application.To me there is never enough accuracy.

Re: Another loading question

Post by aim2please »

Thankyou for all your info :)
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Re: Another loading question

Post by chris.tyne »

Use a good projectile to start with,powder charge then fine tune with seating depth.Knowing where to start and what order is the eazy bit.......................................knowing when to cut your losses and move on is the hard bit. :)

Regards Chris.
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Re: Another loading question

Post by stinkitup »

Everyone one else has summed it up well I think. Beauty of this place is you can ask what others are using once you know what cal you have and then once you pick a projectile can ask what powders seem to work, it seems some cals just love certain powders.

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