Have had a few Simmons over the years and have generally been happy with them. There seems to be a marked performance 'divide' between the cheaper scopes in the range and the top of the range stuff of course. The White Tail Classics are at the upper end and are pretty good. I currently have a WTC 2.5-8x36 on my Brno ZKW Hornet and it does a fine job.
HiWall wrote:What magnification ranges do you have on hand Lewis. Looking at scopes at present to suit 3 new rifles.
I have in stock
WTC 1.5-5x20
WTC 2.5-8x36
WTC 4-12x44 AO
WTC 6.5-20x50 AO.
Also have Simmons Pro Air ,ProHunter,Blazer.
Other brands too like Weaver,Nykron,BSA,Gerholdt&Reuss,Maccari,Sightron.
My shooting buddy has three of the Whitetail Classics like yours, and he'll probably buy more, he really likes them. I've seen his hold up to literally hundreds of rounds of 25/06 in a prairie dog town, during the course of a day's time. While the .25 isn't a hard kicker, the cumulative effect isn't easy on scopes, either. Noted, the crosshairs are pretty coarse, but maybe they won't break as quickly, either! His scopes have held up fine, over many years now. I think Simmons gets a bad rap, they are pretty good for the dollars spent.
I have a wtc the same as yours hairbear on my .308 winchester and I love it, excellant scope for the money and passes the square test every time. Looks great to.
Simmons scopes are very underrated. I've got one of the cheaper "8-point" scopes in 3-9x40. Never had a problem with it, never wished for more. It's much better than anything else in the under $200 price category.
I had one of the earlier model 6.5-20 Simmons (Ally tube with screw in covers and target turrets) and I kick myself in the head for selling it everytime I think about it
Someone did have one for sale here a while ago but I lost the damn add before I could pounce on it!
Had one of the same series Wiz a 6-18. Sold it, got it back, then loaned it to a mate who put it on his Anschutz 1715DHB. I just KNOW he has no intention of ever giving it back. Wish I still had it, it would go great on my 1715!