Hello guys and gals who is going to shoot in canberra fed cup fly shoot ??
how many Aus-Varminters are planning the trip ?
I hope to catch up with old friends and make new ones
see you there john mc
Yep, will be my first trip to the Canberra fly and the first major outing for my savage F class. I hope I dont suck too bad !!!
I know of another 3 from my club in Wagga that are making the trip.
I'll be there, have you guys have nominated yet ? if not do so soon as its a a fly anniversary ten target match and I believe numbers will be capped so all ten targets are shot in daylight.
its good to have friends. My head has been so far up my own ass since i lost my job I havent even been in the gun room or given them any thought. Thanks Festa and Pete VM for registering me an Kerrie and telling me yesterday. I would have missed it you know and been pissed off about it. Now do you think I can swing a friday offf from the new job when I'll only have been there a month!!!!