Electronic target cams

Benchrest, F-class, Metallic Silhouette, Handgun Shooting and anything other form of target shooting!
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by trevort »

AlanF wrote:
trevort wrote:...One thing has been consistently drummed in is learn to read the wind, dont chase the last shot. I know on clear days I have done this, the bullet hole was visible but not where it should have been and then you adjust your hold off and put the next one somewhere else because the crucial variable WIND had changed. Seeing your target and adjusting for the fall of shot is dangerous...
I agree generally with what you say, but in some conditions I find that chasing the last shot can actually be the BEST strategy. Its a matter of knowing when to do it. Also, if I treat the last shot position for what it is, and don't give it more weighting than it deserves, then it can be useful information in almost any conditions. Many top target rifle coaches and shooters go even further and will keep a close eye on the marked shots on OTHER targets to get a better idea of the wind.

Alan, thats what the splash plate is for!!!
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Rinso »

So the smallest group was shot with-out being able to see the fall of shot?

What would happen to that record if you were able to see your fall of shot?
Truth be told the shooter seeing the group forming may well have panicked under pressure and blown it .. it certainly wouldnt be any smaller as seeing them land doesnt help in picking the flags.
Yes, I am going to cross-over to F Class and eventually Big Bore, like you I have always had an interest in Military rifle-unfortunately time is the issue, however, before you go claiming any kind of 'victory' this was decided long time before the debate in regard to target cameras ever evolved. It has always been my intention to go back to prone and like I have said previously I always have felt that I let myself down having not 'followed through'.
F Class and TR (I assume you mean Target Rifle when you say Big Bore) are very different, other than being shot off the ground of course. I would suggest you go staright to TR as F Class will not help you with TR techniques at all IMHO. Military Rifle is different again and the old Mil Service matches bear no resembalance to TR or F Class. Dave Waters would be the best person to talk to about Mil Service.
Victory in what Sean????? The target cam issue is a non event at this time. Try not to make everything about winning and losing and discussion becomes much easier.
Like I told you that night at Batemans Bay, you can only shoot so many 200's in Small Bore BR before it becomes boring and besides Prone is where the skill is and F Class will be the ideal training ground to cross-over.

You have however provided the fuel to add to the ambition.
See theres the difference I dont find shooting good scores boring ... When did BR become a score shoot?????? I always shot for group in BR. As I said earlier F Class and TR are very different but you will learn that as you go.
That is not to say that I will not shoot Fly as a means to perfect 'load development'.....and give you the shits.

On a happier note, I just acquired a set of Parker Hale aperture sights to clamp to that Ol Mauser
You dont give me the shits Sean you are just whats the word ... difficult .. you dont listen, but that will come with age I expect.
Will you be using the Mauser and Parker Hale sights for the Federal Cup????
I have an Omark action and Lionel Weekes stock I dont need, could also rustle up some other gear for TR if you are looking
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Curtley78 »

Rinso wrote:......Will you be using the Mauser and Parker Hale sights for the Federal Cup???? I have an Omark action and Lionel Weekes stock I don't need, could also rustle up some other gear for TR if you are looking
Probably not. I still need to acquire the fore sight and a few other minor things, I will most probably leave the Lyman on it for the Federal Cup and let Leanne commandeer the Stolle.

Unfortunately I have been severely hamstrung with my vehicle (it was bombed when I attempted to get the roadworthy-unbeknown to me the engine mounts and gear box mounts collapsed).

I won't be buying anymore shooting equipment for a few months now.

But let me know what you have as I may be interested. I do also need a shooting jacket for Small Bore and was looking for a Kurt Thune (I am about a size 58).

That carbon stock you bought do you have a use for it?


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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by chris.tyne »

Hmmmmm did I hear someone say carbon stock....................................who's got a carbon stock.

Regards Chris.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Rinso »


I have a carbon fiber stock ... one of the very few carbon fiber stocks made by LJC to suit the Brno rimfire actions.
It is in the rough so will need all the sprue removed, filled and painted.
Inch and one eight barrel channel and with a 3 inch fore end.
Weight is about 580 grams.


I have without looking a Lionel Weekes stock in fair condition, would need refinishing. Omark action with trigger and adapter. RCBS Compitetion Micrometer Seater die for 308. I can access several Mastin Thumbhole Walnut stocks inletted for RPA Paramount actions, a basic stock inletted for an Angel 80 action and probably some other stuff.
No dont have a use for the carbon fiber at the moment.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Tony Z »

Maybe one day when a certain person remembers to mail it off, Rinso might get it. Dave i have gone through a lot of my gear and have a few bits and pieces to mail down with it. Some more 300 WM cases that you may get to use as well as some other 105 Lapua pills.

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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Rinso »

Thats ok Tony I know you will get to it and its for a future project so all good. Need to send you some cash for the Juenke though pm your bank details mate.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Curtley78 »

G'day Dave,

Well, if you don't have a need for that stock, I could certainly use it to finish (Leannes Bruno).

Let me know if you come across an Angel action. For time being I will battle on with the old Mauser, I also just obtained a Centra foresight for it so the sighting components have been resolved.

I don't need a set of 308 dies but my brother does. How much do you want for them?


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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Rinso »


I know of a Dale action thats available at a good price. The 308 Seater die is say $100 posted .. no sizer with it just the Micrometer seater die.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by john mc »

Gday Rinso you can't have tony's juenke yet we have about 25000 projectiles to run on it before its worn out enough to sell its like the stock every thing takes time to happen
cheers john mc :rifle:
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Tony Z »

The jury is still out for me with the Juenke. Shot some 200 SMKs thru the LG on Sun that were less than 3 units on the readout and the results were not all that great. Could be the load that has the vertical or not. Inconclusive. Now i need to go back to what i did before, just bullet measurement, and shoot it. Then i might learn the value of a Juenke at 1K.

Tony Z.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by john mc »

hi tony don't you think that if you had a target cam set up on sunday you would have seen first hand the reasons for all that vertical in your target you could have seen what flag was giving high shots and the one giving the low shots very simple if you think about it all you would have to do is find the flag conditions that gave you a 10 then wait for it to happen again :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: you guys with the great eyes have a real unfair advantage over the old timers john mc :rifle:
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Tony Z »

Actually John i asked if i could use the marked method of 1K shooting on Sunday. They told me to go away you blow in and shoot FClass :mrgreen: . So then what i did was shoot a five shot group during the sighter period and then a 5 shot blind group during the record. The score would have been better with the marked, but only because i got sighter suckered by the last shot of the sighting period where it went west into the 7 ring. So then with that condition holding or what i thought was holding, i wound off 1 MOA left and shot. The score was a 38 with a 9 inch group exactly one minute East of center. The score in the sighter period would have been a 44, the group would have been huge. Like double what i shot blind. There is nothing i can see to be gained from shooting marked in really rough conditions and i say that because the wind held, but i wound off thinking that is where the next bullet would impact. If i had done the aim off bit on that shot and i hadn't completed the card yet, the trend was back and the shot would have increased the group to around 22 inches, 7 ring East to 7 ring West. This is exactly what i always foresaw as happening with this method and i did it knowing full well that is what is likely to happen. Luckily the next shot was the first shot of the record which i shot blind. Of course. I told no-one what i was doing, but it was interesting to hear Jeff Harrison come back from the butts and tell me that the sighter period i shot on the target he was marking made no sense to him at all and that it was all over the place. Truth is i tried to aim each shot into the 10 ring and couldn't do it for love nor money. Obviously i really suck at the marked method. Another reason to never shoot F or E class again :mrgreen: .
This is exactly what a number of shooters have and will describe as happening during a Fly match. I have done it. Anyone who is willing to have a target cam should be told they can. But with the understanding that there is a bunch of guys that want to use an electronic wind flag arrangement like what is now being used in the US. You guys can have your cams, but the digital wind readout should also be allowed.
John, i would have liked to use that cam of yours on Sunday. But i would have had it watch the set of flags 500 m out that were giving us some weird shit.
The season is over, JR has dumped a barrel and has to sell his kidneys to pay for a Bartlein to be fitted. The barrel was cheap but the smith is expensive :mrgreen: .
I want to use the wet season to work out the worth of the Juenke. Then it and the LG go on this forum for sale as well as the 5000 or so 200 grain SMKs. Because so many people have asked to buy this particular machine, i will post it and the first to get in gets it. Sorry guys.

Jethro Bodine, Loose Cannon.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by john mc »

Hi Tony I have to agree with you about the strange conditions last sunday and i realy don't know if a target cam would have made it any easier to shoot a better score when the flags start to stand on their heads with tails swirling in the air its anybody's guess where the bullet will land and my 6.5x47 struggles a bit against the big 30 cals but i was happy to get under 10 inch for my second target - i am still waiting to get a good day as far as conditions go in townsville i always seem to come up to a windy or high mirage shoot do you ever get a normal good day ?? i will let you know how the cam goes with the new yagi antenna fitted the 13 DBi gain and narrow beam angle should be all thats needed to get the pictures to 1000 mt we will try it out at Mt vince next month -- testing in the wet season is such fun john mc :rifle: :rifle:
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by john mc »

G-day Tony have you had a chance to look up the camera sights yet ? i have just got the fittings to put the yagi antenna on to the transmitter and we will test at longer range soon by the way what brand of wind meters did you get and where did you get them ? see you in a couple of weeks time
john mc :rifle: :rifle:
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