Electronic target cams

Benchrest, F-class, Metallic Silhouette, Handgun Shooting and anything other form of target shooting!
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Rinso »

G'day JR,

That is certainly some impressive shooting, no doubt you have spent many tiresome years developing the skill. What I am saying is that there is no way you would know where your fall of shots would print and that one would be placing faith with the fairies given that you can't see beyond the mirage.
Yes mate thats the point ....
no doubt you have spent many tiresome years developing the skill.
... This bit here is where you loose me as a supporter of target cams in comp ... It sounds to me (and probably others) that you couldnt be bothered learning the skills and just want to jump straight to the winning. Well everyone would LIKE to do that but thats not generally how life works, you have to actually earn things. That means many "TIRESOME YEARS" and that is what its all about learning.

What you put forward sounds like little more than an effort to get the result you want without the effort ... maybe if seeing bullet holes is that important you should consider 100/200 metre Benchrest or stick with rimfire.

I imagine if a few LRBR shooters jumped into your favorite rimfire event and wanted to change the rules to suit the equipment they wanted to use all you 22 shooters would just OK boys thats fine with us .... or maybe not.

You do not need to see fall of shot to win Fly matches ... read the results, plenty of blokes have won with low power scopes and 6 mils who did not see fall of shot ... I have shot 30 cal all day and not seen fall of shot but still have won matches .. your gear (not cost but set up standard), your ammunition, wind reading, mirage reading and technique are what win matches period.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Curtley78 »

Rinso wrote:
I imagine if a few LRBR shooters jumped into your favorite rimfire event and wanted to change the rules to suit the equipment they wanted to use all you 22 shooters would just OK boys thats fine with us .... or maybe not.....
G'day Rinso,

Well, it wouldn't be the first time that the Custom BR fraternity has hijacked a discipline.

I was once informed that Fly shooting was initially developed for hunting rifles and that over time it was eventually hijacked by the Custom bench rest brigade. I don't know if there is any truth to that statement, however, if there is, I would merely pass that off as the discipline evolving.

One could indeed suggest that perhaps if some wish to live in the past then perhaps they should take up black powder as opposed to preventing progression.

You know even the Vatican recently embraced new ideas and technology.

Whether or not 'Target Cams' are embraced or rejected, I am happy to abide by the rules, I do think though that it need be clarified in regard to what is prohibited such as the use of weather stations and electronic wind vanes.

When was the last time the rules were amended? No doubt much has changed since then such as advancements in magnification of scope and the ability to monitor climate via wireless weather stations.

Technology has done much for industry, sport and professions, what was done 10 years ago is not done the same today. It has made learning that much more efficient and I see target cams as an opportunity that should be embraced.

I will be the first to say that you don't need a custom front rest, let alone a Custom rifle, I will even go as far as stating that you don't need a Nightforce.

I shot a 3.04 at the last shoot in Canberra with an el' cheapo front rest and in very ordinary conditions and one of my most accurate rifles is that Mauser with that Ol'Lyman scope of yours, its best group to date is 2.632.


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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by AlanF »

For those who say that seeing the fall of shot isn't an advantage, ask yourself this : if you saw a shot fall on its own at 9 or 3 o'clock, wouldn't you take corrective aim for your next shot? If on a particular day some shooter's equipment allows them to see the fall of shot, and others' equipment doesn't, is that a level playing field? You could allow cameras, but that would up the expense further still. My suggestion was attempting to reduce costs, whilst putting the emphasis back on shooting "blind", which I gather is what the BR purists prefer??? If you don't, then you're most welcome to come to the Canberra Queens in a couple of weeks!

Alan :D
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by a.JR »

The very best results in FLY have come with no cameras, no pulled targets , just the match the way it has always been ..If i know anything about the Rules since we started in 1993 is that there will be NO change because the 3 controllers of this FLY event have been resisting any changes now for better than 15 years .. As it always has been in the past ,the benchrest matchs are about the Aggs(averages),not single targets/ranges..I thought that my 2.500 inch 5 target agg at 253.5 was pretty good then along came Ian D at a different range ..His 2.116 ins agg with the 261.5 makes my effort look real p weak ,neither of us saw that many of the bullet hits ,matter of fact the days when i could see the most of the fall of shot i could not get past 235.. Most will agree with this and very few would say anyone had an *unfair advantage* because there are only 10 rules ,read em ..JR..Jeff Rogers
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Matt P »

As a 6mm shooter with a fixed 24 power scope, I can very rarely see bullet holes after about the 2nd detail and manage to do OK, I say leave the Fly as it is, not seeing the holes is just part of the match that you have to get used to, my best single target score of a 58.3 was in conditions that I could hardly make out the rings on target let alone the bullet holes.
The Fly works, look at the number of shooters, I say leave it as it is.

Matt P
Last edited by Matt P on Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by trevort »

because I was unanchored at the time I started Fly ( so did not feel guilt on the size of the credit card bill) I asked Shane to build me a rifle he would use if he was in light gun. Thats as much input as I had in the build. I knew that I didnt have enough knowledge to get involved further. I also knew that when I turned up on the line with my you beaut gun my ass was gonna be kicked by people who knew what they were doing until i learnt a bit. I'm glad to say while there is still a long way to go I am improving.

One thing has been consistently drummed in is learn to read the wind, dont chase the last shot. I know on clear days I have done this, the bullet hole was visible but not where it should have been and then you adjust your hold off and put the next one somewhere else because the crucial variable WIND had changed. Seeing your target and adjusting for the fall of shot is dangerous. If you get your target cams and that is your strategy then I know there will be a few more I will beat when I get to comps.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by AlanF »

trevort wrote:...One thing has been consistently drummed in is learn to read the wind, dont chase the last shot. I know on clear days I have done this, the bullet hole was visible but not where it should have been and then you adjust your hold off and put the next one somewhere else because the crucial variable WIND had changed. Seeing your target and adjusting for the fall of shot is dangerous...
I agree generally with what you say, but in some conditions I find that chasing the last shot can actually be the BEST strategy. Its a matter of knowing when to do it. Also, if I treat the last shot position for what it is, and don't give it more weighting than it deserves, then it can be useful information in almost any conditions. Many top target rifle coaches and shooters go even further and will keep a close eye on the marked shots on OTHER targets to get a better idea of the wind.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by a.JR »

Alan F, You part of this debate is from what you know about F/class ,you may well hold court over on your forum but in fact you know squat about either the FLY or LR BR ..When you come on over to Benchrest and actually start winning, if your honest i would like to hear the way you think we should be shooting then . I know your current stance won't be successfull , but it hasn't stopped you adding incorrect and usless infomation in the past ,guess not much has changed,hey.. This site is watched by a lot of guys trying to get better at Fly and 1K BR ,incorrect info doesn't help them 1 little bit.. If they wan't to know how to shoot off the ground ,i'll be the first one to send em to your place ..JR..Jeff Rogers
AlanF wrote:
trevort wrote:...One thing has been consistently drummed in is learn to read the wind, dont chase the last shot. I know on clear days I have done this, the bullet hole was visible but not where it should have been and then you adjust your hold off and put the next one somewhere else because the crucial variable WIND had changed. Seeing your target and adjusting for the fall of shot is dangerous...
I agree generally with what you say, but in some conditions I find that chasing the last shot can actually be the BEST strategy. Its a matter of knowing when to do it. Also, if I treat the last shot position for what it is, and don't give it more weighting than it deserves, then it can be useful information in almost any conditions. Many top target rifle coaches and shooters go even further and will keep a close eye on the marked shots on OTHER targets to get a better idea of the wind.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by AlanF »

a.JR wrote:Alan F, You part of this debate is from what you know about F/class ,you may well hold court over on your forum but in fact you know squat about either the FLY or LR BR ..When you come on over to Benchrest and actually start winning, if your honest i would like to hear the way you think we should be shooting then . I know your current stance won't be successfull , but it hasn't stopped you adding incorrect and usless infomation in the past ,guess not much has changed,hey.. This site is watched by a lot of guys trying to get better at Fly and 1K BR ,incorrect info doesn't help them 1 little bit.. If they wan't to know how to shoot off the ground ,i'll be the first one to send em to your place ..JR..Jeff Rogers...
Why do you see the need to get personal Jeff? Why can't you stay on the subject? Of course BR shooters can learn from F-Class and vice versa. Now you're accusing me of making incorrect statements - what incorrect statements are you referring to? :roll: :?:
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by a.JR »

AL, in this case this is a good start..JR ps you sir have been poo pooin LRBR over at your place for years ,most of which was hear say and not true and then you had the gall to BAN Tony Z from your special forum because he disagreed with your version of events.. Won't happen here

I agree generally with what you say, but in some conditions I find that chasing the last shot can actually be the BEST strategy.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by AlanF »

AlanF wrote:I agree generally with what you say, but in some conditions I find that chasing the last shot can actually be the BEST strategy.
I stand by that statement - note that I said in SOME conditions e.g. the flags are wet and no mirage.
a.JR wrote:... you sir have been poo pooin LRBR over at your place for years ,most of which was hear say and not true and then you had the gall to BAN Tony Z from your special forum because he disagreed with your version of events.. Won't happen hereJeff,
Every post I ever made on ozfclass is still there. Find the ones that are anti-BR, or stop whinging.

The banning of other members from ozfclass is none of your business. You don't know the full facts.

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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by a.JR »

The good part about my life is that i have never had to take shit from anyone ,and that includes you .. I challenge you to bring your ways to a good number of BR matchs ,hey even come up my way , you 'll get your arse handed back on a plate .. You're statement about being personal is right ,i personally think your wrong about a bunch of stuff and all the grand standing in the world won't change my mind.. Not much point in this going any further .PM if you want to know what i really think.. JR.. Jeff Rogers.. ps i do know the facts and thats no whinge either
AlanF wrote:
AlanF wrote:I agree generally with what you say, but in some conditions I find that chasing the last shot can actually be the BEST strategy.
I stand by that statement - note that I said in SOME conditions e.g. the flags are wet and no mirage.
a.JR wrote:... you sir have been poo pooin LRBR over at your place for years ,most of which was hear say and not true and then you had the gall to BAN Tony Z from your special forum because he disagreed with your version of events.. Won't happen hereJeff,
Every post I ever made on ozfclass is still there. Find the ones that are anti-BR, or stop whinging.

The banning of other members from ozfclass is none of your business. You don't know the full facts.

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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Rinso »


Put your manners back in this is an open forum and an open discussion ... Alan is as entitled to his opinions and to make comments, you dont have to agree with them but he is entitled to make them regardless.

I was once informed that Fly shooting was initially developed for hunting rifles and that over time it was eventually hijacked by the Custom bench rest brigade. I don't know if there is any truth to that statement, however, if there is, I would merely pass that off as the discipline evolving.
Well you were misinformed, Fly shooting has nothing to do with hunting rifles, never did, I will give you a clue though all three copyright holders shoot Heavy Gun ... only Heavy Gun ... What do you think the Fly shoot was intended for based on that bit of info????????

There has been much said about the Rules but not much actual reading of the rules so here they are ...
500 Metres Fly Rules

1.Any calibre less than .50Cal. (some ranges may have a lower limit)
2.Any stock configuration.
3.Any scope power including spotting scopes. Competitors may spot for each other.
4.No Weight restrictions for Heavy Gun class. Light Gun class weight is 17lbs (7.711kgs) including bipods.
5.No rails ie. rifles must be shot from separate sand bag systems where the rear sandbag shall contact both the bench and the rifle. The front sandbag can be attached to a pedestal which can have adjustments for windage and elevation.
6.7 minute details. 1 target per shooter per detail.
7.Only 5 shots on the target for record. 3 sighters at another medium (eg paper or steel) for each relay. Payment of nominations shall be deemed as total acceptance of these rules.
8.No muzzle brakes.
9.Compliance with range safety rules at all times.
10.Any competitor found not enjoying themselves will be disqualified
Now unless I am stupid Rule 3 is pretty clear about scopes and scope powers, despite previous statements that infer otherwise ... so that means if you can get a 200 x 200 scope and manage to mount it you can use it .. simple really.

As for comments about technophobia ... you are joking arent you the Fly has seen massive inovation in rifle design alone ...

However the fact remains that whilst you Sean continue to pick what you will answer and avoid answering questions on statements you make but cant support then this goes nowhere. You want to throw rocks .. throw rocks I dont care, but I will correct you when you make erroneus statements.

You say that 60x scopes are an unfair advantage, you say that quality spotting scopes are an unfair advantage. Well Rule 3 says they are legal and always have been from day 1 .. you shoot a Stolle actioned rifle so apparently custom actions are not an unfair advantage, you use a jewell trigger so apparently 3 lever triggers are not an unfair advantage. You initaily stated that you were attracted to Fly shooting because of the lack of rules but now you want more rules ......

Decide what you want and put a supportable argument up. Decide what constitues an unfair advantage and put a supportable argument up. But for gods sake stop changing tack and disregarding comments that you either cant understand or agrue effectively against.

And dont throw up crap about weather stations and wind probes either, my wind flags cost next to nothing and worked well enough for me to win Shooter of the Year, you dont need any specialized equipment to make them nor a degree in anything. So you dont need a weather station to win you need and I seem to recall saying this several times .... good technique at the bench, good wind and mirage reading skills, the ability to make and tailor ammunition that is extremely accurate and the commitment to back your judgement during the match ... thats what gets you a win.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by a.JR »

Dave , Already have ,i requested this bun fight be taken off forum..JR[quote="Rinso"]Jeff,

Put your manners back in this is an open forum and an open discussion ... Alan is as entitled to his opinions and to make comments, you dont have to agree with them but he is entitled to make them regardless.
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Re: Electronic target cams

Post by Ackley Improved »

Arn't we a happy bunch :mrgreen: !!!
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