Treevort,DrG and Ogre

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Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by MISSED »

After looking at the pics of DrG`s Mod 70 after his restoration project (stock).I decided the Mod 70 243 I bought of Treevort should recieve a facelift.I trolled back until I found where the good Doctor had explained some wood finishing.I read and reread it until it started to sink in :roll:

First up I sent Mrs Missed into the local hardware to purchase some citrus based paint stripper as I had read that in would not affect the white line spacers which are plastic.She also was asked to get some 00 and 0000 steelwool.
I gave the stock a good coat making sure the checkering recieved an extra coat.Next up was waiting the required 20 mins for the sweet smelling stripper to work.After the wait I attacked the stock with a paint scrapper :o .This sounds a tad bit harsh but when done with some care is actually quiet safe.Varnish removed from the easy areas I then attacked the checkering with a nail brush.The best part of the Citrus paint stripper is that clean is done with water.

Next was an afternoon,evening in front of the TV with the stock in one hand and steelwool in the other.Mrs Missed was cooking Corned beef for tea and I used the steam from the saucepan to remove the dents from the butt and cheekpeice.This was the bit I was most worried about but proved to be the easiest :D .A couple of seconds over the steam and out they came. :wink:.I think it was about 9 pm when I rang James270 for some advice I was wetting the stock down to remove the whiskers and was wondering how many times I had to do this.The answer was basicaly how long was a peice of string.

All up I stee lwooled the stock for 18 hours carpal tunnel the result :( Honestly I was not happy with the stock the timber seemed to have a very open grain and I could not get it to havs a shine.At this time my Daughter and son inlaw called in to pick up the grandsons.Jarrod is a cabinate maker and his advice was to oil it and fill the grain.

Crunch time was on me so I melted some Beeswax and mixed it with some boiled liseed.I used 0000 steel wool to apply the mixture and after application I sat the stock on the mantel peice to dry.I sand between the stock between every coat till I had the colour I wanted (7).Any way here are some pics .
mod 70.jpg
mod 70.jpg (64.24 KiB) Viewed 11316 times
mod 72.jpg
mod 72.jpg (73.07 KiB) Viewed 11316 times
I will post some more when time permits
So Pat do you approve ?
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by Con »

Nice, very nice ... very very nice! I like dark wood and that looks pretty nice all round.
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by gigitt »

That look really nice.

Do you have some before shots for a comparision?
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by native hunter »

That looks the goods mate.
I must say if you ever need to sell it ,may I have first offer.??
I am still kickin myself I never perchased it back then.
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by Sam Walker »

It looks really good ! I like dark wood too...
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by Curtley78 »

G'day Andrew,

Well done. It looks very neat. Is that a pre-64 action with the mauseresque styled extractor?


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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by Marco »


what kind of wood is it?
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by Tempo »

Looks very nice
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by ogre6br »

native hunter wrote:I am still kickin myself I never perchased it back then. Regards
I'm kicking myself I ever sold her- glad she went to such a good selection of homes.
MISSED wrote: So Pat do you approve ?
great work
I so glad someone is enjoying her, and looking after my old girl so well

outstanding work
any chance of me coming up for a visit ( health allowing) and giving her a run again?

thanks for being such an inspiration to other members besides me, DrG

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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by Knackers »

I've never been big on black forend tips, but that looks a treat with the dark timber, very nice indeed Andrew. :wink:

Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by SWIPER »

Can I send you a couple of my stocks? :P
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by LoneRider »

extremely well done mate.
just goes to show....ya never know what you can do...till you give it a go. :wink:
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by trevort »

now get serious, flog it off and get a proper plastic stock :P :P :P :P :P
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by MISSED »

I just finished my shift and got home.Read my post..........I will have to edit it tomorrow for the poor grammar and spelling :roll:.Anyway I borrowed a couple of pics of Treevorts Croosfire review for a comparison
m 70 pre me.jpg
m 70 pre me 1.jpg
I must admit the colour stumped me as you can see when I started it was a whisky colour under the varnish :) And you could not see a great deal of character in the wood.Once the varnish was removed I washed the last of the Citrus stripper away to reveal a very different picture.The butt displayed a fair amount of fiddleback with just a trace of it in the forend.
The boiled linseed beeswax mix has brought out a port color that has a real depth and an aged look I quite like 8).When I went to give it a second coat of Beeswax I was unable to find it and was sure I had left it on the computer desk :roll: you guessed it my littlest bloke had given it to Pablo the poofta dog.So now more has to be purchased and more coats applied for better protection and hopefully a low sheen 8).
Thanks for the compliments fellas It is something I have enjoyed doing.
Native this old rifle has a 1 in 12 twist so it shoots,as Pat said,70 grain and under projies well as far as selling it we will wait and see as another 25 cal beckons
Sean it is a 1976 model and is a push feed.
Treevort as we have discussed a few times
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Re: Treevort,DrG and Ogre

Post by ogre6br »

I thought she was a 1:10 twist

She shoots heavier slugs well, Speer 85 SPBT's and Rem 100 factory stuff

She just likes the 70 TNTs better and the skippies she dropped on permit at old mates turf farm hated her for that liking

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