Morten-I have downsized a bit but still very infected.
A shoot at coffs might be in order.
Anywhere to get together for a lead wasting session.?(target or live.)
Yes NH that is the shop at the jetty i dont know why they would not fill your tank.
They do all the paint ball skimish guns.
Mine is a 232 bar tank and they can fill to 300 bar if you have the tank.
Mort we will definitely have to arrange some thing when the weather fine's up.
NH ,the place I shoot on at Nana Glen has some tree huggers on one side & while we can plink away with the springers unoticed the crack of the PCPs would draw some unwelcome attention!
I'll catch up with Gavin & see what we can organise.
cheers Mort
Gavin, Pm coming
Had an early HW100. It was a great AG. Didn't have a quick fill so I got rid of it. If your accuracy ever goes to poo, check the screw that holds the barrel. They can come loose. There is no excuse for any manufacturer not to have a quickfill and a mag option these days. Theoben should get their act together. They put the port in the current models then blank it off, so they must be thinking about it. I want a Falcon/Beeman Lighthunter C in .22.
NH & Mort we can shoot at my place no problem I'm on 5 acres and surounded by a lot more.
Thanks for the advice Whitty on the HW 100 so far mine has been faultless. They are a great rifle I can't leave mine alone and your right about the quickfill. They should all have them by now it makes it so quick and easy.
Good luck with getting the Lighthunter a Beeman PCP would be very interesting and we would all like to know more about them. I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
Not this weekend NH I'll be in Casino shooting the Border War service rifle match....come & have a look If you get time!
There's optic rifle matchs on sunday if you want to have a crack.
cheers Mort