Thanks K Rudd

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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by kjd »

That would work phoenix however us Aussies would have to take a huge pay cut to make manufacturing viable or we'd be paying $10000 for our teles we won't do that so the manufacture of said teles goes overseas where people are paid .50c a day to make them! So that's where you idea is just a dream

Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by Phoenix84 »

kjd wrote:That would work phoenix however us Aussies would have to take a huge pay cut to make manufacturing viable or we'd be paying $10000 for our teles we won't do that so the manufacture of said teles goes overseas where people are paid .50c a day to make them! So that's where you idea is just a dream
I agree it wouldn't be easy, that's why I said it isn't that easy. That's where the Govt needs to step in. Wages are not so much of an issue with TV's because a large portion of the manual labour is automated. The staff would mainly be maintenance, machinery operators, management, etc.

TV's are just an example because of the comments regarding the stimulus spending. Apply that to any product that has been onshore and isn't anymore.

Cars - we did it, so we can do it. With assistance in the right areas, all the lost jobs in the industry from Holden/Ford moving away in the last few years could be reclaimed. We also send metal ores away and buy back the metal so it's not all about complicated electrical appliances.

It may be hard for people to say no to money but rather than hand out cash, tax cuts to business AND personnel would mean more money in pockets AS WELL AS job retention. We would still end up with a deficit, but I think it would be a more effective use of the money - but then, I could be wrong right? :D
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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by kjd »

I meant manufacture in general
Any sort of manufacturing jobs in this country would have high prices due to our wages! Shoes, steel, clothes, computers whatever. That'd why it is more expensive to buy Australian made!
As far as tax cuts go sure good idea for the longtime but when you are trying to stimulate the economy quickly a cash hand out will be more effective!
I think the promised $30b in tax cuts should have been poured into research for alternate energies so we could become a world leader in that new industry which would bra great investment in the future!The last cash handouts worked in the retail sector which saved lots of jobs so why won't this one?
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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by Mick »

Meh, yet again I get nothing.
Pay more than aaverage annual income in tax, and never get any of these government freebies. Communism is rife in Australia.
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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by James270 »

Got mine today and I will be returning part of it to the government.

In the form of payment for the speeding fine I recieved going to Shane Clancys on Sunday :oops: Warning to all: The highway patrol at Narrandera are very sneaky :twisted:
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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by kjd »

Mick wrote:Meh, yet again I get nothing.
Pay more than aaverage annual income in tax, and never get any of these government freebies. Communism is rife in Australia.
LoL I wish I had that problem :D
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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by MISSED »

Got mine today as well already gone to a certain bloke in Melbourne
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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by Curtley78 »

Capitalism is failing.

Recessions and Depressions are deliberate acts orchestrated by the Ruling Class to seize and redistribute for themselves the wealth accumulated by the working class. I refer to Marx in his work 'Das Kapital' when he argued in regard to 'production and consumption' and one only need examine the bail-out packages thrown at the American auto-motive industries.

It may surprise some of you to learn that the Tories intend to amend the legislation relating to 'superannuation' ensuring that when the individual that accumulated that wealth has passed on their super dies with them and they will be unable to pass it on to their family.

Such legislation has been touted by many neo-conservatives as 'good for business'.

What I can't cop are the small business tycoons and the self professed 'true believers of private enterprise' and those cheap disgusting frauds of the financial service industry that stammer on how this money should have been given to private industry to invest. This very class within society have preyed upon the vulnerable for too long and are the cause of the 'alleged' economic downturn, given they willingly loaned money to people who didn't own pots to piss in.

It smacks of 'Corporate Welfare' but then again such argument is to be expected from the kind of ilk that reside on the Northern side of Sydney whilst living on 'Government leased' land or those that continually receive government subsidies.

The Hypocrisy.

I recall the election campaign of 07 when the Conservative bastards were stammering on how they have had almost twelve 'glorious' years under the Howard Government reaping record profits from the sweat of the working class, yet none of them had either the brains or honesty to invest in infrastructure.

Why? Because they know that they will receive more hand-outs or 'Corporate Welfare' from Government.

Although we may produce very little in this country there are still those people of the service based industries, the people employed within the Casino's, the Hotels, the Tourism Industry, White Goods and Communications etc to support. At least Kevin Rudd didn't hand it out to those bullshit artists of Private Enterprise.

A $900 bonus? yea whatever, I pay that fortnightly in tax. Do the math!

What they can't do to the working class via the 'serfchoices' legislation they will do so under an alleged 'economic downturn' or one that has been orchestrated and blown out of proportion. Aided by the privately owned media cartels.

Personally, I would like to thank all of the CEO's, Merchant Bankers and Real Estate Agents for their ability in regard to 'sound' economic management. We seriously need journalists with spine in this country!

(edited especially for James).
Last edited by Curtley78 on Fri May 22, 2009 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by trevort »

Yeah Andrew, Kerrie got hers too so we can say we got two sets of kruddy money today, though I dont have to give her a gun to get hers!!!
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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by 220 »

kjd wrote: * Free ceiling insulation for around 2.7 million Australian homes.
What do you think this will do to heating costs (electicity/gas)

For the last 2 years the local council has been begging people to reduce water usage. It worked people have used less water and are now faced with paying the same amount for using half as much because councils infrestructure costs remain the same. The excess water usage bills were subsidising the system without them the base cost must rise.

Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by Phoenix84 »

Sean Ambrose wrote:Capitalism is failing.

Recessions and Depressions are deliberate acts orchestrated by the Ruling Class to seize and redistribute for themselves the wealth accumulated by the working class. I refer to Marx in his work 'Das Kapital' when he argued in regard to 'production and consumption' and one only need examine the bail-out packages thrown at the American auto-motive industries.

It may surprise some of you to learn that the Tories intend to amend the legislation relating to 'superannuation' ensuring that when the individual that accumulated that wealth has passed on their super dies with them and they will be unable to pass it on to their family.

Such legislation has been touted by many neo-conservatives as 'good for business'.

What I can't cop are the small business tycoons and the self professed 'true believers of private enterprise' and those cheap disgusting frauds of the financial service industry that stammer on how this money should have been given to private industry to invest. This very class within society have preyed upon the vulnerable for too long and are the cause of the 'alleged' economic downturn, given they willingly loaned money to people who didn't own pots to piss in.

It smacks of 'Corporate Welfare' but then again such argument is to be expected from the kind of ilk that reside on the Northern side of Sydney whilst living on 'Government leased' land or those that continually receive government subsidies.

The Hypocrisy.

I recall the election campaign of 07 when the Conservative bastards were stammering on how they have had almost twelve 'glorious' years under the Howard Government reaping record profits from the sweat of the working class, yet none of them had either the brains or honesty to invest in infrastructure.

Why? Because they know that they will receive more hand-outs or 'Corporate Welfare' from Government.

Although we may produce very little in this country there are still those people of the service based industries, the people employed within the Casino's, the Hotels, the Tourism Industry, White Goods and Communications etc to support. At least Kevin Rudd didn't hand it out to those bullshit artists of Private Enterprise.

A $900 bonus? yea whatever, I pay that fortnightly in tax. Do the math!

What they can't do to the working class via the 'serfchoices' legislation they will do so under an alleged 'economic downturn' or one that has been orchestrated and blown out of proportion. Aided by the privately owned media cartels.

Personally, I would like to line all of the CEO's, Merchant Bankers and Real Estate Agents up against a brick wall and take to their skulls with a claw hammer.

We seriously need a Revolution in this country!
Out of interest, where do you work?

Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by Phoenix84 »

kjd wrote:I think the promised $30b in tax cuts should have been poured into research for alternate energies so we could become a world leader in that new industry which would bra great investment in the future!The last cash handouts worked in the retail sector which saved lots of jobs so why won't this one?
I think we are on different pages, but the same book mate... While I don't think the cash was a 'guided missile', each of us are thinking long term rather than all about ourselves.

Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by mitch »

Thinking a CZ in .22-.250 with a nice heavy barrel :D
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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by Curtley78 »

Phoenix84 wrote: Out of interest, where do you work?
G'day Phoenix,

I work as a Stevedore (Wharfie) and am employed at Port Botany. I see what comes in and what goes out.


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Re: Thanks K Rudd

Post by ogre6br »

From my point of view I'd like to see them put some of the newer and really beneficial medicines on the PBS

Some really great stuff out there that actually works ( sadly it didn't in my case- theres $27K down the can) that could help a shit load of people

but no we get plasmas instead of modern effective - with a shit laod less side effects-medicines

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