New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

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New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by a.JR »

A Big Congrats to my pal Joel Pendergraft from NC in the US for his new WORLD RECORD.. 10 shots into 3.048 ins at 1000yds.. I wonder what cartridge/bullet combo he used??..I think i know the answer But Joel swaps and changes stuff all the time in a effort to get ontop of this game ..He finished 2008 right near the top of the ladder at Hawks Ridge and Williamsport and with this start for '09 ,he sure is goin to be hard to beat..Awesome stuff mate from AUST..JR..Jeff Rogers..More details after he returns home from the Hawks Ridge match
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by Tony Z »

Bummer, not a 6BR. A crappy old 300 AI and those flat base bullets i can never remember the name of. BOBs, BUBs, BABs i think. Nah just can't remember. All i know is that the shooter wears BIB and brace overalls :mrgreen:
Well done Joel!!!

From another BIB and brace wearer. Jethro Bodine.
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by a.JR »

Pic of the record holding gun, joel builds everything at home himself..Spec are 300AI based on the Alvin Johnson reamer designed in the late 90s ..Lots of guys still use this same thing as it forms easily off the 300 Weatherby brass by Norma,Uses re25 powder the 187 BIB bullet and a Fed 210 primer.. Joel sent me a copy of the reamer last year to try out ,nothing real special about it ,but it works...Still can;t get over this result as the previous record was held by John Voneida in 1995 at Williamsport ,most that have tried super hard at this game believed that it probably would never be broken .Who the man now!!..JR..Jeff Rogers
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by a.JR »

The best news for me is that the batch of 187s that Joel used has the same Numbers on them as the ones i have ..That makes it ,the Smallest 10 shot 1000yd Benchrest group in the world ,also the smallest for the IBS sanction,also for the NBRSA sanction ,Also the smallest group shot in Australia .. All shot with 187 BIBs, 2 of the 3 had Tension Barrels ,i see a pattern here..JR..jeff Rogers
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by a.JR »

Pic of gun and the rest, also the target..JR
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by Kenny »

:mrgreen: Congrats to Joel.....unreal.....but please polish that gun up as something that shoots that good has gotta be shiny :lol:

Jeez if the picture is up the right way imagine what could have been if he got less verticle...take those 2 high ones and one low one away...maybe an inch less

Jeff sorry to hear of Townsvilles range woes, there's always the cheap 'early booking' airfares to most major towns.....if you sell that gun and the 'bubs' :lol: will be kicking yourself

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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by kjd »

That is the most bizarre looking rifle I've ever seen. I can't even see the trigger????
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by Klicker »

kjd, I think the trigger is located under the bolt handle in that first picture..

Congrats to Joel on the record, absolutely NUTS group that is.
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by frakka »

It looks like it needs wheels and a tow hitch :lol: I read the write up on 6mmBR, awesome piece of equipment and the water jacket is pretty cool too.

The article doesn't say anything about the conditions on the day, can the shooter choose a time/day etc and get the officials in to record it or does it need to occur during a scheduled event.....?
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by Mick »

Records count at registered matches only.
The record has allegedly been bested by several people in practice over the years, but that counts for nothing.
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by trevort »

I think that fell off Luke Skywalkers X wing fighter and he found it and mounted a scope!

but seriously, well done congratulations!
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by Rinso »

Yes it sure is an unusual looking bit of kit. That said it has achieved a pinnacle in LRBR, no mean feat that.
The other thing to consider is that its pioneers like Joel that help to develop new things in our sport overall, a bit like Formula One Racing really, lessons learned at the edge of the envelope often bring new ideas into the realms of ordinary shooters.
Joel well done and best of luck for the rest of the season, you have set a high benchmark for the rest of us to chase.


aJR since you are selling the big gun you wont need that batch of BIB's will you ... I can give them a good home when ever your ready to post them.
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by a.JR »

Hi dave , How goes it?..If i am lucky enough to find a buyer for the gun i will have a big lot of stuff for sale,scopes ,tools,benchrests Etc,but gun first ..I'm thinking that an auction for the 1500 bullets is the best way to sell them,what do you think..JR

aJR since you are selling the big gun you wont need that batch of BIB's will you ... I can give them a good home when ever your ready to post them.[/quote]
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Re: New Benchrest World Record for 10 shots A 1000yds

Post by Rinso »

a.JR wrote: ..I'm thinking that an auction for the 1500 bullets is the best way to sell them,what do you think..JR
Well actually Jeff I thought you would give them to me (I would pay for postage of course) just to ensure they went to a good home, afterall you cant trust them to just anyone.
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