Mate I use an old soup ladle sort of thingy...I cut some sluts in it that is big enough to let the BB's through but not the projies...dunno what your media is..ceramic.... ¿ wouldn't that chip eventally and jam bits into your pills......
I also use 3 rags to clean them in going from dirty to the final polish on the 3rd one...just saves on rags a bit
I have not seen better or worse accuracy from molly at short range, it just saves a bit of work cleaning.
Dunno about LR but...I think it would be hard to blame the coating for it as there's just so much that can effect the flight...or rather the things that you can't see over the range....there's sweet FA molly left on the pill anyway once it's gone through the barrell and I lean towards the pressure being more of a constant when coated than with nekid as the fouling would be increasing with each shot in my mind....twisted as it is
The ceramic thingys look like chook pellets with rounded a DG and use tweezers when handling moly bullets...I stick 500 projectiles in a H322 bottle and add about a 1/4 teaspoon of moly powder and run for 2hrs at 150rpm in my lathe...they come out like they are chrome plated....if there is too much moly I put them in a footy sock and run them up and down a few times.
I use a plastic cannister in my tumbler to apply moly and a second plastic cannister filled with small pompoms from spotlight in the same tumbler to remove excess moly and polish the pills, as for affecting flight at 1000 yds, shot my best group at this distance using molycoated pills. I haven't used moly for a while in the 06 imp, but will do so next weekend at Leeton. IMO since stopped using moly, scores seem to have dropped a bit, will review after Leeton shoot.
Good to see there's a couple of blokes in here that can still smile
I never pictured you as a bloke who was into pom poms Good luck at Leeton....Have you got a day free to spend at Malabar before you go ?...I am looking for a pillion passenger.
I have been using moly coated bullets in benchrest competition for many years. To dispel a couple of myths, moly coating does NOT make bullets more accurate, and does NOT make them go faster. Not in my benchrest barrels anyway.
The only reason I use moly is to cut down on the number of times I have to clean the barrel. Many good barrels are ruined by excessive or ham fisted cleaning. On a moderate day (say, under 23 degrees) and low humidity, I will often go through a whole yardage (that's 25 application shots plus sighters) without cleaning. That's over 100 strokes of a cleaning rod through the barrel that I didn't have to do.
Anyway....I use the Lyman set-up now with the ceramic beads. It does an excellent job, but separating the bullets from the beads was a real pain.
The answer is to use a plastic ice cream tub and drill a heap of holes in the bottom with a quarter inch drill. After moly coating, tip the lot into it, and shake gently. Yes, a few bullets might slip through if you are doing 6mm (and certainly 224...use a smaller drill!!), but for my 6.5, 7mm & 308 it works a treat. It costs nothing to make, which is a plus.