Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

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Tony Z
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Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Tony Z »

This is the final rules draft that is sitting with the FAB awaiting the rubber stamp. Have a look and post comments if you wish. Me, well i am speechless. You be the judge.

Jethro Bodine.
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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by justjeff »

We've been waiting how many months for this? One point I noticed though, " no muzzle brakes". Is this going to put a kink in your day?

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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Mick »

I dont see the point in not just following the IBS rules....
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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by a.JR »

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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Ackley Improved »

Had a bit of a read....

If you guys in Qld shoot 200m Rimfire Fly, is it suggesting that a 17hmr can be used? GAY.. I dont think so?

Also, on the muzzle brake, I like the idea of not using them on lightguns. What it does is really make the LG class very uniform in caliber selection. If muzzle brakes were to be allowed in LG, speaking of 500m Fly here, I would go straight to a 300WSM LG!

I dont think there is enough 1000yd BR in Australia, limited by number of ranges, to warrant changing the 500m Fly's rules to suit 1000yds.

Its my point of view. I do think with 1000yds though, we should follow the US, and then that would allow muzzle brakes in LG, just for any records that are shot it is shot in accordance with the US.

It means I guess, if you are serious about 500m Fly and 1000yds LG, you have two rifles... but I do not shoot enough 1000yds to warrant that! Would be easier if you just had a HG in the biggest magnum you want, shoot it in Fly and 1000yds HG! No worries about the muzle brake rule then!

Tony Z
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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Tony Z »

By the time any of these rules are implimented, JR and myself will have sold all our long range gear. I have been preparing two rifles for FClass in the off season as i knew that it will be very unlikely i would ever shoot LR BR again. Or SR BR for that matter.

Jethro Bodine.
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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Ackley Improved »

Tony Z wrote:By the time any of these rules are implimented, JR and myself will have sold all our long range gear. I have been preparing two rifles for FClass in the off season as i knew that it will be very unlikely i would ever shoot LR BR again. Or SR BR for that matter.

Jethro Bodine.

Build up a nice tactical rifle :mrgreen: and start up a tactical comp! You can design the course of fire then, everything about it. Then once people realise how much fun it is... other ranges will have to follow your rules etc!!

A tactical match has huge potential I feel for long range comp's. People can shoot it with a factory rifle, or if have one built it still is a rifle that can be taken hunting! With BR, once the rifle is built its not practical to take it out in the field! There is also a lot of wanna be snipers.....

What about a groundhog match like in the US?
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Well, down my way.. there is no 600yds, one 1000yd range at Canberra that I only shoot after the 500m Fly match anyway! So really for us, the 500m Fly is where its all at! The rules are pretty good as they are for the Fly. It is our own comp, not shot anywhere else so we dont need to try and copy like what is in the US etc. I like the idea of no muzzle brakes for the 500m Fly also as I said above, defines the LG and HG by calibers... a muzzle brake on my Dasher would be interesting :!: !

F Class. that is slowing the pace down a bit!

Tony Z
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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Tony Z »

Trev, under the co shared ranges between the NRAA and the SSAA, these rules will not let you in the front gate. There is no way our NQRAA president will allow these rules for no-one or no shoot to be filed into their cabinets. We wote rules to prevent this sort of thing happening, but somewhere along the line it was decided that it was too Townsville specific. That was what we were asked to do and now we have been presented with a set of rules for nobody or nothing. We expected it so we are not surprised.

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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Aussie_bob »

Any chance of having the original draft rules posted so we can see the changes that have been made.
Also who decided on the rule changes was there any sort of consultation done with the people who have been shooting these events or has it been decided by a select few i havent seen any discussions entered into anywhere.
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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Tony Z »

Bob there is some contradiction from the powers that be that these rules are all that is required for an individual club to start shooting LR BR matches. Others say that a club must now present a set of rules that they wish to shoot for assessment by the FAB and to be placed on that range Blue Sheet. My point is that if the latter is the case, why does the first exist?
If the latter is true, then all these rules represent is a permission for all LR shooting. If that is the case then no reference to any existing shoots or their rules need to be presented other than Long Range BR shooting of air rifle, rimfire and centerfire from a distance of x to y is a discipline of the SSAA. The rules of any match are then presented to the FAB for individual range assessment.
Our whole point is and will always remain that we wanted rules accepted that were very specific to what was already being shot. That is exactly what was asked of us in the first place, placed in our hands and then ignored by those that thought it was a way to screw us around or just simply an ineptitude of those that were tasked with the final outcome. I am guessing it was a lot of both. Annie Elliot was part of the workshop that oversaw the drafting of these rules, so with that in mind and with her experience in BR both long and short, i would find it hard to believe that she would put her name to this final draft.
If these are the new rules, then we are already about to make a change to a new target for the Fly to something a lot more user friendly in our mirage as there is no specific mention of exactly what a Fly target is, only a mention of an authorised SSAA target. This is not the case as the Fly is not an authorised SSAA discipline nationally, so the target is authorised for nothing and nowhere, but as i understand it ours will be soon in Queensland. The same for the 1000/600 targets as neither of these shoots are or have been officially SSAA authorised anywhere in Aus. Long ago i asked on behalf of our club for an allowance (removal of the "V" bars) to change the target for our use for Fly and this was stomped on very quickly. Not the case now with all the holes in these rules. Conversely our very first rules draft that was initially submitted, made no allowance for a change to the existing Fly target. Clearly an oversight on our behalf.
To a certain extent this guideline with regards to the Fly has now opened the way for muzzle brakes to be allowed under the paragraph 1.2 and 8.4 which opens the door for the Fly to enter the "Open" classification with regards to the equipment used. This is something that has recently been explored and is favourable amongst many of our shooters but again under our first draft, this would never be possible. Of course the two weight classes will still exist.

Albow has the final draft of the rules we sent to the Q SSAA, maybe he can post them for us to look at as i no longer have an electronic copy. While i have no future plans to shoot LR BR, i will be keen to see where it goes with the new people running the ship in Townsville. Personally and after much thought, i believe this guideline could open the door to us in many ways, whereas the rules we were asked to write in their complete form locked things in very clearly much like the current set of SR BR rules, and took the control out of the hands of the individual club.

Jethro Bodine.
Tony Z
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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Tony Z »

No light at the tunnel.
Tony Z
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Re: Long range rules for SSAA Queensland.

Post by Tony Z »

The boys are still waiting, but this time there seems to be a little light at the end of the tunnel.

Jethro Bodine.
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