Results for Townsville 600yd Match

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.257 Roberts
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Results for Townsville 600yd Match

Post by albow »

Hi All

Well today saw the last of the 600yd matches for 2008 in Townsville and while conditions weren't superb they were probably the best conditions that we have had for quite some time with regards to the wind however the rain had on Saturday night sure did make the mirage extremely heavy with the hot weather we have at the moment.

Nine Shooters were there for the day with 2 in HG and 7 in LG.

In HG Jeff Harrison won for score with 194 and Jeff Rogers won the group agg at 2.580". Jeff Rogers also shot small group of the day with a 1.520" group for his third target.

In LG Tony Z won for score with a 202, second was myself with 192 and third was Bob Luther with a 189. The group aggs were Eric G first 3.650", second was Tony Z with a 3.848" and third was me 4.325".

This was a great year and see you all again in 2009.
Tony Z
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Re: Results for Townsville 600yd Match

Post by Tony Z »

This was a great year and see you all again in 2009.
This is a matter of opinion :mrgreen:. Personally i couldn't buy a group past the first two matches which basically gave me the group six match agg for the year. Score yesterday was good and the 52 and 53 picked up the six match agg somewhat. Somewhere in the middle of the year we lost our way with wind flag trialing and bad conditions combined with range alterations that made for a difficult run of it. But we all had a heap of fun sitting in the heat and mirage while the rest of the country sat home in the aircon watching Bathurst, Indy etc. Seems every year we do our calendar we unknowingly pick out all the race days. Something fishy about that.
Having sat out HG for a few matches lately, it has been good watching from the butts the two Jeffs vying for the first sub incher. It is surely now just a good condition away with both able to put down some very good groups and some great four shotters. It's only a matter of time, but if the 270 gets there first we will never hear the end of it.

2009 will see a couple more in the field aswell as the return of Chris, Warwick K and BlackPete. Greg H will be there with a new 25 cal and Jack will get there with another 30 JAT.

Jethro Bodine
Last edited by Tony Z on Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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.257 Roberts
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Re: Results for Townsville 600yd Match

Post by albow »

TZ don't be so hard on yourself :mrgreen: I know we had our problems throughout the year but........

We've had:

- 7 new shooters attend our 600yd matches during the year with a total of 20 different shooters and an average of nine shooters per match (and sounds like more on the way)
- 9 matches were shot in 2008 (only 5 were run in 2007)
- New record set for four match group agg in HG 2.442" (originally 3.524")
- New record set for four match score agg in HG 203 points (originally 202)
- New record set for six match group agg in HG 2.057" (originally 2.194 from 2007)
- New record set for six match score agg in HG 314 points (originally 313 from 2007)
- New single card score record for LG 54 points (originally 52)
- New record set for four match group agg in LG 2.959" (originally 4.572")
- New record set for four match score agg in LG 205 points (originally 194)
- New record set for six match group agg in LG 2.623" (originally 3.143" from 2007)
- New record set for six match score agg in LG 316 points (originally 297 from 2007)

All this was achieved with the difficulties in the middle part of the year and if we look at these new records there are some significant improvements. It also shows how much people enjoy the 600 and how tough the competition has gotten over the past 12 months.

So yep, we have had a great year and only hope the 2009 is as good :wink:
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Re: Results for Townsville 600yd Match

Post by Kenny »


Yep it was a good year for some and not so good for others......bloody hell there's some records set year might be even better :D

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