My first test a couple of days ago was four 5 shot groups at 25 metres/ 28 yards. Two groups were shot from each of my BSA Hornets 30 fpe and 41 fpe.
These groups were not shot in true bench rest fashion but rather shot standing with a forward wrist rested on a pad on a cupboard and the rear elbow rested against a vertical wall. This position I often use to somewhat duplicate a very good field hunting situation where trees or posts may be well positioned for a stable support. The reaction of the more powerful rifle when fired at 41 fpe is noticeably greater than the less powerful Hornet.
The two 30 fpe 5 shot groups measure 0.28" and a very tight 0.13" or less centre to centre. A sight elevation change accounts for the separation of the two groups.

If you look closely at the zoomed image of the smaller 5 shot group you will see that the widest pellet marks overlap just on a half pellet or radius. That is a very small group!

The second two groups ( top and right groups) were shot with the more powerful JB OZ 1 BSA Hornet at approx 41 fpe / 840 fps.

These groups are not too shabby and it would be most unlikely that these results, from just two groups with each rifle, will be found to be the best ( or the worst ) at this range but they may be representative of what one could expect from the rifles used and perhaps other rifles of similar power.
The lead seems to be on the softer side which sometimes seems to allow pellets to do well from a range of different barrels. The weight is very consistent.
I am certainly now encouraged to proceed to longer range bench rest testing at 50 metres and to wind affected shooting when I can get to a range or back to the farm. Here at home 25 metres is the longest I can get.
Lewis has been sent a few of these ( probably still tied up with Customs

Let me know if you find this of interest and if you have any suggestions for the tests I may run. ( If they hold up for accuracy to 50 metres I will do some longer range groups ). They are a hunting weight pellet so would be aimed at normal hunting ranges I guess .......
Wendy and I are just back from 5 weeks camping through the desert country around Cameron Corner, Cooper's Creek Coongie Lakes and Birdsville. Fabulous country full of interest.
Kind regards, Harry.