1 / for group, the 4 targets at 5 shots each added together,then agged for both L/G and H/G
2/ for score at 55 per target ,total 220 for the day(thats 20 shots inside a 1.8inch X ring at 600yds).......Scoreing is 5x10 ring hits(50) + i more point for each X ring hit,total of 5 = 55 for both L/G & H/G..
3/ sighter shot period is # unlimited and individually spotted for period 6 minutes
4/ followed by the record period at 10 minutes(no spotting)
5/ 2 targets will be shot in one sitting,i will take 3 minutes to hang the second target in that sitting,then all gear removed from the bench for the next relay..
6/ We do not intend to run a Grand AGG for the 2 gun unless the shooters eventually request it
TSV will run the 60% target for the 1st year just as the US did,then probably change to the 40% one in 2008..
Please let me know if you are coming from out of town and for those that have really accurate rifles we have a free barrel adjustment service before the match starts ,see you there..JR..Jeff Rogers