Here is one of Kenny. When I find one I can download of Rinso I will post it. If you look at the second photo posted by Rinso of aJR and Tony Z that's him playing with his cleaning rod[/img]
It's not a scewdriver you idiots. Open you're eyes, it's for cleaning your chamber when you do something stupid and get powder in your chamber and action.
Yep I am a local...sort of......Manilla is a suburb ain't it
It's not a scewdriver you idiots. Open you're eyes, it's for cleaning your chamber when you do something stupid and get powder in your chamber and action.
Just for all to know, JR's misses June will pay big bucks for anyone who can take a photo of him with a smile on his face. I reckon you might have to wait untill my funeral for that though.
For those that are not sight impared it's easy to see that i was sort of smiling.. TZ the only chance they got of getting that big smile shot is if the heavens ever finally align and you shot 250 and i shoot 251,it'll happen that day..JR..Jeff Rogers
I reckon you used to work with Mark @ Tamworth Hydraulics......yes? You may have to think about it but I drive a noisy red hilux
Damn, I had a pic of him smiling.....sort of Brissy last November when they were handing out trophies It was a shocker as ...I sort of...cut his top half off so I deleted it coulda held it for ransom
This is the only photo I could find where I think aJR's trying to smile.I know he has one in him somewhere. Might need some Coronas to help him crack one though.[/img]