How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

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How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by kurcha »

I did some apetite tests of my 22 thats what ive got : 1 elley sub,t22wini ,cci, federal. its nothing special but intresting what other people getting :lol: :rifle:
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by LoneRider »

if you have any of that ammo left,do it again but with 5 shots each brand.
there is some nice groups there but its a bit hard to tell if its the grouping or the ammount of shots that caused it..

ive got a shit load of different brands of 22 ammo so i can do the same tomorrow.
i will use my ol worn out mossy with the m8 4x leupold and see if she still stacks up.lets see if my "freeby" can do better than your gun. :twisted:
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by kurcha »

tell us how u went :D my pbor was i got my 22 clean well to good with solvents ,then Burney told me basic clean dry patches untill looks clean and lightly oiled patch that it for the bore of 22lr only
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by Buffy »

kurcha wrote:I did some apetite tests of my 22 thats what ive got : 1 elley sub,t22wini ,cci, federal. its nothing special but intresting what other people getting :lol: :rifle:

Mate that shotgun you are using shoots some tight patterns (insert shit stir emot here) :lol:

Buy 6 or so different brands shoot 5 shots into each target and then mark them with the brand written next to the group :wink: , from there you will work out what the rifle likes best.

Cheers BB :hunting:
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by LoneRider »

alrighty,ive pulled a few brands out of me ammo safe to use :

Dynamit Nobel 40grn subsonics
Winchester 40grn superX subsonics
Eley subsonics ?grn
Winchester T22 standard velocity 40grn
Winchester 40grn super speed high velocity
PMC scoremaster 40grn standard velocity
CCI standard velocity ?grn
and somethin i found in a box with REM stamped on them,hollow point plain lead. ?grn

so...ill pick a target tonight and print it off.should be able to scan it later in the arvo.i can only print on A4 so we will see what happens.

5 shots apiece with me fome block rest over the bonnet of the red baron [as i always do it] and i dont clean before changing brands :roll: cant see the point for the ol girl.
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by LoneRider »

this here is the ol girl,lil ol mossy.whats this thing of your look like kurcha ?
the scope is the nikko i had to send back.
threaded and recrowned.
took the lazer off cause it was a pest.
mossy-0.jpg (20.27 KiB) Viewed 1437 times
yeah shes beat up and looks like shit,but i wouldnt swap here for one that cost $$.
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by kurcha »

lone rider looks better than its shoot :roll: but i like her now she listerns to me lately 8)
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by kurcha »

hey buff show us ur shotgun parterns :mrgreen:
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by LoneRider »

ok went out today to do the shoot off.


theres a story to this,so bare with me.

a couple of weeks ago when the nikko shit itself and i went with the leupold m8 4x.i sighted in at 30 yrds.
14 shots-30yrds-wini subs.

then i moved it out to 50
not brilliant but acceptable.

later,i decided i would try and lighten the trigger,by putting in a lighter spring.because i didnt have one on hand i had to put the rifle back together.after talking to a mate i found i had plenty of springs,courtasy of bic,a kero lighter and other such flame it had to come apart again.put the spring in,put the whole shebang back together,didnt work satisfactorily,pull it down again,tryed another spring,back apart then back together.didnt work,back apart then back together.
so after all this,all i acomplished was buggering up the floating barral.which is now touching the wood.stuffing the point of impact.

Part 1
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by LoneRider »

now for the worst part.because the point of impact is stuffed and the wood and barrel are touching,there is no real way of getting good groups until i chew more wood out of the barrel channel.

so,i ended up with crap like these next pics.i shot the 5 shot groups anyhow,but i will do them again asap.

the rifle didnt let me down,i let the rifle down. :oops:
the arrows show where i was aiming for each brand.

these pics are not the indication of how this lil ol mossy can shoot.just an example of what can go wrong when ya piss about with something that doesnt need pissing about with.
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by kurcha »

aceptable 8) dont let Buff see it otherways hill ask what choke did u use just joshing :wink: i shot em at50yrds so its ok then. Try taking metal work out of the stock, first mark where it touching thebarrel, send the touching bustard off get good lacque acrylic dryes faster make sure seal well check it again if its ok try again :wink:

I bought stock scratched rifle they gave me some$$ off not much then i polished with 0000 grade stillwool worked, mixed hardwood powder with PVA glue made thick paste took metal work out gave light sand where action sits, upplyied the paste pot metal back ,opps forgot sprayd rem oil on metal when i said gave light sand took old lacure off. when placed bar/action back dont tight the bolts too hard just lightly worked for me.

Cheers Alex
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by LoneRider »

barrel is floated again,ill do the test again tomorrow.
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by LoneRider »

this wont be happening for a few days to a week,started raining today.
up here,only tourists go off road when its wet.bloody idiots. :evil:
really gettin to hate the dirty buggas.they chew shit out the dirt roads with no regard for the peaple that live on em,leave garbage everyware.think they run the place or its here exclusivly for them......dirty buggas..... :evil:
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by kurcha »

Well they pigs what can i say? I will try again might be on sat.
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Re: How does 22lr ment to group (field rifle)?

Post by LoneRider »

went out again today.
conditions: bright sun on my back,wind about 5 kmh left to right,intermitant.
distance:about 50 yrds ? mtrs ? paces ?

the gear :same ammo
Picture 002.jpg
the distance:same distance
Picture 005.jpg
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