FClass and Sportsmanship.

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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by woob614271 »

Good point(s) Pete, it's always the wannabe's and hasbeens who are jealous of someone else's success thats based on hard work.
Obviously this is the case here. good for him, I say.
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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by Klicker »

Guys, I've been shooting F-Class now for about 8 months, I often shoot along side Matt P, allthough he shoots with another club. But I have to say the F-Class fraternity is a great bunch of blokes, there a lot of dyed in the wool fullbore shooters in my club but they also very supportive and will happily answer any of my questions and boy do I have a lot. I initially I started shooting open, with my 22-250, nobody really cared, occasionally I'd score very well and some ears would prick up but I never received anything but a pat on the back. Anyhow, the 22-250 it just didn't cut it over 500 m (1:12 twist), luckilly the club has some very generous members and I now shoot standard with the clubs lefty barnard, which doubles as a full bore rifle for the club, and I supply my own scope and ammo. I'm just having a great time and planning on shooting more opens as I get more time in the next year. But if you're dubious about the naysayers and some of the stupidity that shows up on the some of the forums, I'd ignore it, its a great discipline to shoot and its just great fun, specially when the 10's (we use the open target for both open and standard) start rolling in and you start stirring up your club champ, then it starts to get real interesting.
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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by jimbo »

Just reading through this thread kinda makes me glad that I shoot benchrest.

We have a rule book that originated back in the early seventies, that is discussed every year at the National Champs discipline meeting. Suggestions are made and discussed and then taken back to the various States for comment by their members. No changes can be made to the rule book during the five year period from the last one. This is a good situation, as it stops changing things year by year.

This book is our bible and is damn near fool proof. Very few protests are made at Nationals because people (well, most of them) know the rules and if they stuff up there is no excuse.
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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by sixmill »

Spot on Jimbo, surely other countries that shoot F-class dont have this problem, maybe we need to look at whats happening O/S & adopt their rulebook.
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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by Matt P »

Everyone needs to remember this is a very young sport and your're only hearing about the BAD parts which in most cases is few and far between.
As Jimbo said in BR there are very few protests BUT that rule book has been around since the 70's and most competitors know whats in it, FC problem is most DON"T have a clue whats in the rule book !!!!
There's no profit for anyone bashing shooting sports, remember divided we stand together we'll fall.

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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by Klicker »

Matt P wrote:remember divided we stand together we'll fall.
Exactly Matt, I don't know why there is an us and them mentatility between the F and BR fraternities, but I suspect its patchy as is the hacking on f-class from with in the NRAA ranks, personally, I prefer F-Class over benchrest for a couple of reasons, I can shoot every week at the same place, in the sydney/newcastle regions I am unaware of anywhere that shoots bench every week in this region (or elsewhere for that matter?). The guys I shoot with are some of the best blokes I've ever done anything with and nothing but encouragement is found amongst these guys, sure they're older and a bit stayed in there ways at times, but all of them realise that F-Class is probably the future of the sport. F-Class has also, recently especially, almost doubled our club members, in the back of my mind is always the possibility of us all loosing the privilidge to own and shoot rifles as we do, I would be completly gutted if this privilidge was lost and the key to keeping this is exposing more young people to the sport, the better for all of us.

However on the original issue I am sure sense will prevail and the challenge will be quashed, best of luck Mate and congratulations!
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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by Rabbitz »


(I think I have asked you this before...) Which clubs are you a member of? I assume from your location that you shoot at Hornsby.

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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by AlanF »

Tony Z wrote:...the moderator needs to go back to NZ to locate his balls cause he sure as shit left them there on the first trek over...
That's very hateful stuff Tony - both racist and personal - you seem to have a very big chip on your shoulder. Now, you've made the criticism of the moderation of the ozfclass.com forum. Without being childish about it, how about giving some advice on what should and shouldn't be allowed on forums? And do a good job of it, because I intend to look at what you say in detail. Let's see if there is any substance to your criticism, or whether you're just trying to stir up trouble between BR and F-Class, for no good reason other than big-noting yourself.

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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by Mick »

Dont think the issue is anything to do with "BR v F Class". Looks to me it's more like "People who just want to shoot v Whiners".

And for some unknown reason, the sooks who don't win and blame equipment rather than their ability will win again in having the rules reviewed. The sooner these people get "Pull your head in, wanker. Your lack of wins has nothing to do with equipment" rather than "We better look at the rules again to make you feel like you haven't simply been outclassed by a better shooter, precious. There there" the better. Pandering to these people is about the worst thing that can be done. They are the kind of people who aren't satisfied, ever. You could change the rules for them to only allow a single, unmodified factory rifle, and the second they dont win they'll complain about hand loaded ammo, the scope, the colour of the rifle, or anything else to shift the focus from their ability and effort put into getting a win.
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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by Ned Kelly »

G'Day all,
I thin kmick has nailed it.

thinking shooters go home and think what can I do to improve and test it practice it etc.

The wingers do just that sook and demand rule changes.

they fail to realise they have exactly the same rules and conditions to shoot in, if they cannot prevail, complain LOUDLY to all.

Far better to get on and improve one's self than worry about someone beating you........

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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by Klicker »

Rabbitz wrote:Klicker,

(I think I have asked you this before...) Which clubs are you a member of? I assume from your location that you shoot at Hornsby.

Yeah, I think so, but I shoot with Hornsby RSL, I've recently moved to Morisset, need to change my profile, but I drive to Hornsby every week that I can, becuase I go home and think about what I did wrong the week before so I can improve and apparenltly that prevents me from being a ........
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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by trevort »

Ned, I'm gonna have my work cut out for me learning Benchrest, still waiting on the PPC, but I'd like to try F class some time. Wanna take me to a shoot some time? Should be settled down with some free time by the spring :wink:
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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by Ned Kelly »

G'Day Trev,
no worries :D

I should have a spare F std rifle by then in .223. How does Castlemaine look on the 1 November? Probably shooting 3/5/600yds?

:D :D :D

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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by trevort »

can I shoot open with my 6.5x 284 or is it only standard in that shoot? If it is I will take up your offer of a borrowed 223!
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Re: FClass and Sportsmanship.

Post by Ned Kelly »

G'Day trev,
forgot about your 6.5-284.......... yup no worries, very competitve cartridge, if it weighs in for LG in fly no problems, any trigger weight, but must be 3" max forend.

Cheerio Ned
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