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Re: New Long Range Benchrest Web site?

Post by BRT »

I see with interest this discussion about results of 500m and 1,000 yds etc.
As some of you would know Annie originally started posting these results many years ago on our 'actbenchrest' website. Since we have now moved from the ACT to Brisbane and sold (gave away) our website there is some difficulty having results there. Annie has been trying to put some results onto a free Angelfire website so at least there is something but there are also some problems with the data sent to us.

So what has this got to do with the price of bread? Nothing. BUT as Kenny suggested what we are doing is developing a new website for ourselves and our new business activities which will incorporate a number of things. One of which we intend to be results of Long Range matches. Mainly because no one else is doing it and it needs a home. I agree the forum type discussions are better left to this place and others. Anyway we will provide results and equipment lists providing we get same sent to us and in a format that we can EASILY upload. Having to completely rewrite sheets is not something we want to do. It is Annie who does all this work and she is happy to provide a service and we will be happy to provide space on our website for it which will eventually be at the url 'benchrest.com.au'.
I will say at the outset though that we would not be in the mood to take much heat about the lack of results listed etc when they are not being supplied properly by match organisers.

To give you a little example of what is planned here is the link to the specific page on our development website (which is not yet 'live' ). As an example the results of the recent Pro-Cal fly shoot in Melbourne are under the '2008'. Click on 2008 for these. http://www.alloydesigns.com.au/benchrest1/results2.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

We will be happy to place results for 600yd matches also if that is what is desired. Any nice comments would be welcome. :)

Stuart and Annie Elliott.
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Re: New Long Range Benchrest Web site?

Post by Rinso »


Looks very nice mate. Any idea when it will be up and running ?
I will say at the outset though that we would not be in the mood to take much heat about the lack of results listed etc when they are not being supplied properly by match organisers.
Thats probably the problem across the board mate, people just are not supplying results .. what can we do about it though.

The idea here is to allow members to post results from matches they attend .. between us we cover LR BR, SR BR, Rimfire, F Class (Standard & Open) and various others not just LR BR, although that is where the idea has started. This will give us all something to look at as well as providimg info to non or new competitors.
Further it will allow you or Annie or anyone else for that matter to gain access to results that organisers may not have sent you so you can update your own site.
The idea of keeping records (ie smallest group 1k etc) is also appealing.

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Re: New Long Range Benchrest Web site?

Post by BRT »

The way we see it is that results should be sent along (via email) from each match organiser or other nominated person. As long as they are the official results. Most (but not all) ranges use the same computer scoring system. I think Annie will send out the system and program that she wants used (which is the most common one). The whole idea would be for match organisers from say, Townsville, Monarto or Canberra or anywhere to email results that are in a common form which Annie can then take that data, without having to change or modify it and convert the document for the web and simply upload it to the site after she prepared the spot for it. I suppose in a similar way to how results are recorded for Benchrest matches (short range) on the Benchrest Bulletin website. There are 2 scoring programs out there for Benchrest Shoot results (short range stuff). The Alan Peake program and the Heubner one. Results from either can easily be taken and converted to TXT format and then uploaded to the web. That means when people go to the Benchrest Bulletin website to view results they see exactly the same as was printed out during the match. Column widths are the same and the only thing which varies is the length (number of competitors). Fly shoot and 1,000 yard results sheets tend to be wide and vary in width.

The problems that have existed to date are:-
1) we don't get official results emailed to us. This also used to happen when she did it on the actbenchrest site too. In the future it should be up to competitors to bug their match organiser to email them in. Don't bug us.
2) or, we do get the results but the format is diffferent. Either it's written up in a totally different way or they have changed a simple thing. For example some match organiser add an extra column to their sheet. That means it then won't fit the size on the web page uploaded etc. All of this has required many hours of completely redoing the full result sheets. We have even had results snail mailed to us that were scribbled illegibly on the back on a scappy old target card! I'll bet you can guess where it came from?
3) people email us and say "my score on that target is wrong and you have to change it!!!!"
Well, if the result is recorded incorrectly they should take that up with their match organiser who will then have to email a correctled list if that is required.
4) we have a life! We are busy and sometimes it takes anywhere from a day to a week to get results done. That's life, it's a free service Annie provides. Don't ask for much except consideration of this. There have been times when we have been away for a week at a match somewhere and we get a phone call....."when are the bloody %#@?* results of the Fly Shoot results gunna be up. I've sent you an email and you don't answer?"
........Well if we have been away on the road for a week it's a bit hard!

I wanted to place a special button on our website for people like this. It would be the "CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE" button but Annie has vetoed it. :) She may change her mind though (as women are allowed to do).

As to when this website will be up and live? Soon I hope. It is way overdue. That is why I am at home this long weekend. She has TOLD me to get on and finish all the stuff for it whilst she is out west shooting in the QLD State Benchrest 4 Gun. :(

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Re: New Long Range Benchrest Web site?

Post by woob614271 »

All the lady's hard work is VERY much appreciated; especially as she likes to shoot too.
Hope she "cleans" the titles; you seem to beat her too often!
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Re: New Long Range Benchrest Web site?

Post by Rinso »

The problems that have existed to date are:-
1) we don't get official results emailed to us. This also used to happen when she did it on the actbenchrest site too. In the future it should be up to competitors to bug their match organiser to email them in. Don't bug us.
2) or, we do get the results but the format is diffferent. Either it's written up in a totally different way or they have changed a simple thing. For example some match organiser add an extra column to their sheet. That means it then won't fit the size on the web page uploaded etc. All of this has required many hours of completely redoing the full result sheets. We have even had results snail mailed to us that were scribbled illegibly on the back on a scappy old target card! I'll bet you can guess where it came from?
3) people email us and say "my score on that target is wrong and you have to change it!!!!"
Well, if the result is recorded incorrectly they should take that up with their match organiser who will then have to email a correctled list if that is required.
4) we have a life! We are busy and sometimes it takes anywhere from a day to a week to get results done. That's life, it's a free service Annie provides. Don't ask for much except consideration of this. There have been times when we have been away for a week at a match somewhere and we get a phone call....."when are the bloody %#@?* results of the Fly Shoot results gunna be up. I've sent you an email and you don't answer?"
........Well if we have been away on the road for a week it's a bit hard!
All valid points mate, and as woob posted the effort involved in posting results has been appreciated by the majority.
However as with all things there are always a few dopes who talk before they think, seems to be quite common in fact.
The issue of receiving results from match organisers will IMHO continue to be an issue and as you well know some people just won't listen no matter how hard you try to explain things.
Possibly the format for results could be widely circulated which would allow others to supply them (I know its not 100% the right way but could be better than nothing at all).
Do all registered match results go through the State Co-Ordinators ? If so could they forward the results ?

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Re: New Long Range Benchrest Web site?

Post by woob614271 »

"Possibly the format for results could be widely circulated which would allow others to supply them "
Can you do that, Stuart?
ol' wooby
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Re: New Long Range Benchrest Web site?

Post by Ackley Improved »

Stuart and others..

I like the format that you have desgined. Easy to read. I am big on equipment list also, which I guess is a hard one to follow. I cant remember which shoot it was, but one of them had a nice big sheet of paper which you wrote on.....

I think a lot of guys would like to see the equipment list also. Anyone that is thinking of a caliber, or what is being used in components, its good for direction.

After seeing those resutls, I can see how much I #$%@* up too.... had two smallest groups for the LG detail... thanks for that Stuart.. didnt realise that! Freakin Melbourne..

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Re: New Long Range Benchrest Web site?

Post by BRT »

No worries, As I said if you can hang in there for a little while longer until we have a live site. As to circulating the format I don't think that would be a problem. In fact Annie may put the format on the site to be downloaded.
We will have rules on the site to be downloaded also like 1,000yds, 500m and F Class etc.
Just a resourse centre really.

Anyone thinking of coming to Brisbane for the feature 1,000yd match in July?
Want entry forms? Details?

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Re: New Long Range Benchrest Web site?

Post by Kenny »

UMMM...O K A Y...jeez things certainly took off since I was in here last :shock:

Thanks for adding your info Stuart, I guess I was kinda warm after all :D

The new site looks a pearler, I know it's been in the pipeline for some time now :D bloody good effort from you two...then again we expect that :lol: :lol: :lol: it may need some advertising so people know of it's existence. Maybe posting a sticky 'Results' link to it (with the admins' permission) would be a help for those who want to look :idea:

I feel the forum should really be just that...a forum for discussion where people can share their knowledge and have a stir of each others pot if so inclined...as we all seem to do...it seems to me most members just want to pop furry critters and could not give two hoots about targets

You won't be seeing me in Brizzy.....gun not finished yet :roll: but when it is...look out big fella... :P


PS. Ned...NICE HAT :mrgreen:
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