Anyone here ever converted a .22mag to a .17HMR, easier or not worth the trouble when savage & stirling make them pretty cheap? Just been thinking of it as something i might do down the track to the cz.
P.S an oz varmint, great idea! in the words of senator arnie, "i'll be back"
Im not sure about 22mag to 17hmr conversions but Im guessing it would depend on the rifle. To be honest i'd probably just buy one of the 17hmrs and sell the 22mag. But I would stay away from the stirlings if I were you. I have a 1500 in 22mag and it has an terrible misfiring problem which I have been unable to fix. Some people love their stirlings but alot also have the same dramas as mine. Im a big ruger fan and I wouldnt mind owning one in 17hmr one day.
Its a cz 452 and its bloody heavy in comparrison to a mates stirling ive used. Ive heard about the mis fire problems with them which is a shame cause they are quite affordable! Not sure if that is a problem with the 17HMRs but no one back home has one so i havent heard any dramas let alone used one.
Mate it should just be a rebarrel and thats it. I dont know if you can buy threaded and chambered barrels for the 17hmr for the CZ's but you can with the rugers and you may be able to get a bit lopped off the end and re-threaded/chambered and your away! But doing that will probably run to about $500 and you can get them hmr's for $700 new in a CZ452 varminter which is what I would do....