I think the guys have lost there way a bit here,
I think they all need read this too.
so therefore 30-30 is not inherantly accurate, nobody here would say that a 30-30 out of the box is an inherantly accurate cartrdige after reading the actual defenition of the word, there are probably many others that where rubbish as well but I can't think of any right now
Inherantly accurate cartdridges are (to me, after reading the actual meaning) is something that shoots well right out of the box, before us long range shooters spend rediculours amounts of time sorting, batching and d!cking around with the many laborious and sometimes tedious process we go through to extract maximum from a cartridges.. However some will respond better to this treatment to others.
Therefore AJR may acutally be right 300AI is inherantly accurate IMHO, but so too is 6BR. Everyone knows that if a .222 isn't shooting well its the driver or a really really bad load. Any reasonably load in 222 is going to shoot well and is therefore inherantly accurate.
Just my thoughts and I think the question was either seriously baited hook for us "pop gunners" or just needs to be redirected.
Just my lowly 2c worth
PS.. so does anyone want to define the now incredibly loose term "accurate"?