Today I decided I would duck out to a little patch of bunnies I know of and I thought that I would just check the zero of my R1 before I left.
I set up a bit of cardboard on the but and sat on the step off hand and put five into the target at about 13 mtrs, the group was good but a little low and left so I decided to get a lean of a big cardboard box that was sitting there and the result was a nice little one hole group for five shots, although a bit low.
Last time I used this gun at the range I shot it in to POA at 25mtrs, seeing it was centre vertical I thought that being a bit close(13mtrs) it may still be on the rise, I was happy at that so of I went.
when I pulled up there was three bunnies just lookin at me so I pulled up the car and shot from the window lean,First one at 25-30 mtrs I held dead on his head and pulled the trigger and it made an almighty smack but the bunny failed to sucumb and ran off but was very unsteady, with that I swung onto the next and repeated the same but this one hit the deck and was still kickin, I wanted the first one and he pulled up so I let one fly at him again only to miss and he bolted into the long grass, by the time I came back for the second bunny he was on his feet and hopped off with a very side winding step.
Result -no bunnies.!!!???
Now what Iam thinking is that my group I shot at home with a rest was the same situation as here but the shot should of been spot on, I think I held a bit low on the bunny and hit them both in the jaw and not in the brain box, I should have held at the base of the ear and not in the general middle of their head.
Anyone got any clues as to what is happening with the trajectory.
I am using FTS.
Do most find that their off hand POA is different to their rested POA.
I have attached a piccy of the said target with the rested and off hand 5 shot groups, as you can see the R1 will put them in the right place if you do your part.
Any comment gladely accepted.
Damien webb.