Just wondering your thoughts on this vertical stringing. Win Mod 70 push feed, 22-250 1in 8 twist 65gr Game King 33.5gr BM8202:
I’m thinking it could be a bedding issue.
What are your thoughts?
[img] https://i.imgur.com/Y2WqVJt.jpg[/im
Poor trigger control?
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You of all people should have a good supply of HFRs at your disposal, dig one out and send it to admin.
Not enough information here Keith.
Vertical can be caused by many things and yes bedding is certainly one of them but there are so many culprits that could be the cause.
Is the load changed ie new batch of powder, primers or different cases? any of the these can mean you need to adjust your load to maintain previous pressures and velocities which can show up as vertical.
or have you maintained good technique while shooting ie position on the bag, follow through on the shot etc
or are you using a bag which is too firm ??
Add to this contact with the barrel due to bedding issues or as someone mentioned a long action screw which binds on the bolt