thanks for another informative response and a number of plausible scenarios.
I don't have the ballistic knowledge or access to proven facts to question any of your ideas or statements..
to my simple thought process, and until proven otherwise, could it also be plausible, that all vld the projectiles, due to whatever reasons, are to varying degrees oscillating or wobbling in flight.
despite these wobbles, the accuracy many are able to achieve with these vld projectiles, is simply outstanding !!!.
as best I could measure, on some bullet holes the pin hole offset is around 3/4 of a bullet hole in diameter, but in many cases the group in which these bullet holes occur is amazingly small at 1000 or 600 yds.
therefore, probably on the wrong track again, or right track (but caught the wrong train)

but regardless, I am inclined to think that if this partial instability is inherent in vld projectile design at the moment, then, if the clever people are able to make changes, to produce projectiles which eliminate or markedly reduce these wobbles, slight accuracy improvements might follow.