Took it out last night to Majura to do final comparison test of the standard IR torch supplied with the scope, the HoundLight (in IR configuration) as put together by our very own Foxfire, a Dereelight Nightmaster V2 IR and the Ultima-NV T38 XL IR laser diode emitter (direct from the UK).
Photos below show them left to right as listed above.

The video below shows each torch in the same order as listed above. Out of all 4 torches the Houndlight and T38 XL I think are the pick with maybe the T38 having a slight edge. I have a sneaking suspicion there’s one more power level up on the T38 but I’ll have to test that out again to be sure. Time will tell I guess as to which one gets used the most.
Hope this helps out anyone thinking of getting into this sort of equipment.
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