2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by dg »

not the most inspiring and confidence building long range precision shooting conditions


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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by Camel »

Thats what it was like out in the yards earlier in the week. Am still coughing up sections of the western division. :lol: :lol: Certainly wouldn't like to be shooting in that.
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by macca »

(13.18 KiB) Downloaded 338 times
To help Dave out I copied the results to a size we could post them.
Any errors will be mine as I copied manually.
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by dg »

thanks to Narromine Shire Mayor Craig Davies for opening the 2018 Australian IBS 600-1000 yard Benchrest Championships.

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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by Old Trev-39 »

Just did the conversion on Richard's 1000yd. group agg. 7.369". That is one mighty effort in those conditions with a 6X47 Lapua. Who needs a big calibre? just learn to read wind,(mini cyclone). A job very well done Richard. You can stay away next year.
Tony Z
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by Tony Z »

Taking nothing away from Richards aggregate, there may be an argument there for time of flight Trev. The group Richard shot Saturday afternoon was nothing short of amazing. May have been left and high of center, but all on paper and around 7 inches is bloody good. Grant did similar in conditions that went from horrible to "where the fuck are the razor blades".
In HG Jeff and Jacko went head to head to within a vagina follicle of all on paper or a couple off. An inch either way.

If i return to Narromine, it will be with horsepower and BC. Statistically that range throws more crap than good so one needs to build for crap. So i am working on 0.7 BC at 3K fps and a very fast action for the ten shot record. The 636 is accurate but it and i got smashed at 1K. Lucky at 600.

I learnt heaps and had the best time catching up with all the lads. The shooting as always is secondary. It is worth the trip just to be there and thoroughly recommend anyone with an interest in long range to get their arse there, even just for a look.
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by dg »

g'day tony

yep, sounds like a year long planning preparation/assembly and tuning project !!!

good luck with it.

i'll be in contact.

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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by dg »

supposed to rain yesterday - "not a drop"


but today after around 20-30mm the proposed Narromine Dubbo OPM was called off.


Daniel and Davo practicing their "rain dance" synchronization. :D
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by jacksaligari »

Hey tony going back too a big 7mm ?
Welcomed rain Dave but you’ll be wanting more I guess
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by The Raven »

Droughts and flooding ranges.
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by dg »

"Droughts and flooding ranges." so true !!!! :D :D

yeah jack, they tell me this is just a start. weekly falls for quite a while at the minimum. have to wait and see what develops.

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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by Tony Z »

Two barrels bought and should be on their way this week Jack. Another slave barrel to be chambered this week for case forming and initial load testing of 175 and 180 grain pills. Brass is RWS 300 WM formed down and shortened with a 400 thou long neck, or possibly longer depending how far i feel like running the neck thoat reamer in. This is essentially full circle back to the short 7mms JR and i did in the 90s with the difference now being a better range of bullets and way more powder choices. I may go back and forth on final capacity but 65 grains of old 2209 to neck shoulder junction is the start point where Reloder 23 and 26 will be the likely suspects with H1000 as a possibility. The objective will be a 0.650 to 0.700 BC bullet at 3000 fps.

Jeff H is busy and has ordered different bullets for testing and is looking for a faster action. A BMG would be good :mrgreen:

Below is a pic of two of the five 7 mil magnums i did in past years. You have the 2.6" full Redneck and long neck version down there. On the right in the pic is a formed case i am looking to use that is yet to be circumcised to a final length. The old 2.25" version in the middle that pre dates yours by about ten years was very good with the only match 7mm bullets around then, the 168s and 162s. All those early cartridges were mostly done with a 40 degree shoulder but this time it will be 30 to begin with. I always hated the way sizing donuts plagued those steep shouldered cases.
Last edited by Tony Z on Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by Camel »

May be silly, but why wouldn't you use 7MM mag brass sized down ? Is it because you want the thicker neck so you can turn it down to exactly what you want ?

I quite like that cute little one on the left. :D
Tony Z
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by Tony Z »

Mark the reason is firstly that 300 WM RWS brass is bomb proof and secondly i have heaps of it already batched in half grain lots. I know of no other brass i would want to use apart from RWS 375 HH, 300 or 340 Norma Weatherby, which i have heaps of also.

7 RM or 338 WM brass has the wrong length where the shoulder neck junction leaves a persistent lump right where you don't want it when formed down. With 300 WM brass the whole neck gets cut away and the transition from shoulder to case mouth is even. Remington 350 and 6.5 Magnums would normally be fine, if it were the early brass which was able to withstand pressure, but is too short at 2.170" when my sample head space case is 2.350" long with the 0.420" long neck i have settled on. That leaves virtually no part of the bullet in the case body and if the theory is true, the long neck helps to extend throat life.
This all may sound hard basket but with the right form dies it really is not a choir where i formed the 50 basic cases in a few minutes with one pass each. The neck shortening and turning is the pain.
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Re: 2018 1000yd BR SCC and 600yd BR

Post by Camel »

Ok thanks Tony, figured there was a good reason for going that way. :D
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