Checking our inventory reveals that there are presently 4 in stock which are fast approaching their use by date.
It would therefore be fitting and most desirable if, following the upcoming SCC1000yd BR and Copperhead IBS 600yd BR Australian Championships if all existing

As most know, our smiley is an equivalent LRBR award to the American IBS “screamer” award.

In view of the expected, cool, calm and perfect august conditions, and when additionally, the attending LRBR ‘talent’ pool as well as their superbly tuned and accurate equipment is taken into consideration, being able to shoot “blind” groups of less than 1.25 inches at 600yds or less than 3 inch LG or less than 5inch HG groups at 1000yds, should not be much of drama and should occur regularly over the 3 days of competition.

any advice on how to set up or construct "backing strips" for the 600yd BR targets would be most appreciated !!

dave g