ND 26th Sept 1000yd BR results

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25/06 Remington
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ND 26th Sept 1000yd BR results

Post by dg »

although the predicted conditions kept a few away, as usual we all enjoyed ( :?: :?: ) the ND 1000yd BR.

results - as attached

dave g
ND 1000yd BR 26th September 2015.xls
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Tony Z
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Re: ND 26th Sept 1000yd BR results

Post by Tony Z »

Only a few there Dave but some pretty nice groups appearing from down there. Looks like i picked the right time to sell up.

Well done boys.
25/06 Remington
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Re: ND 26th Sept 1000yd BR results

Post by dg »

g'day tony

given the approaching daylight saving hours and the usual spring /summer warm to hot and uncomfortable weather, today was a trial match.

after the match we discussed holding our official/ unofficial club matches after lunch or mid afternoon for the october - april time periods.(although this has not been decided as yet)

although not hot today, in the prevailing erratic light southerly winds (roughly 5-10 knots) the "blue" appeared to be bubbling and jumping about it's own height when the sun was out.

for the following target, during the sighter period when the conditions were as described above, all of my sighters appeared to land around centre height ( or well within the 9/10 rings anyway for height), but at the start of the record target, the cloud cover moved in ( overcast and shadows) with the total removal of any apparent mirage (or not that i could detect) and much improved clear target visibility, so guessing and holding off for the prevailing winds (as per the sighter period), i kept the crosshair as close as i could to the X for height.

when the target came up after the record target i could not believe the group dropping to the position shown.

but compared to what you always get mirage wise in townsville, i suppose this type of vertical change is something that you all expect and allow for.

as most know, the wind here usually predominants the mirage, but rarely do we get such significant 'bubble mirage".


for the second target, the sun and bubble mirage returned, so although not flash in size or score, without touching the vertical scope setting, and with more guesswork for wind and roughly centre height hold etc, the group height returned mostly to centre ???????????????????????????/


this LRBR seems to continually generate more questions than answers :D :D

.223 Remington
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Re: ND 26th Sept 1000yd BR results

Post by jacksaligari »

Another tough day at the office Dave
25/06 Remington
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Re: ND 26th Sept 1000yd BR results

Post by dg »

hi jack

over the last few years, we have had either very poor attendance or had to cancel our scheduled matches between november and february due to the less than desirable weather factors.

this year the remaining matches are on the 18th october and 20th of december.

although we have yet to test the idea, but maybe by shooting in the late to mid afternoon, the present problems associated with the sun, scope light flare, ambient temperatures, severe mirage,shooter comfort etc should either be eliminated or minimised.

25/06 Remington
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Re: ND 26th Sept 1000yd BR results

Post by dg »

rob mckay and bob rainbow have their new 284's showing pretty fair potential @ 1000yds



bob fitted and chambered new kreiger barrels on both of these rifles with almost identical loads working in both. :D :D

dave g
Old Trev-39
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Re: ND 26th Sept 1000yd BR results

Post by Old Trev-39 »

Hi Dave,
Fairly good shooting by all.
I guess the .284 loads are close to the following.
1755gr. 52.2-52.5 2209
180gr. 51,2-51.5 2209.
This is what the F Open guys up here use in any breed of barrel.
Personally I am using 52.2 behind 175 m/k & 51.7 behind 18o m/k both with about .020 jump and C.C.I. primers. The 175 load gives me 2867 fps over the crony and the 180 load through using come ups inmy ballistics programme says the are giving 2820 fps.
Have just fitted a new Krieger 6.5 barrel to my F Class rifle and it is shooting 2 different loads very well. It is a 6.5x55 rogue. Shot two matches wit it 2x300m & 2x500m with scores of 119.8 & 119.12. Both lost shots to wind not elevation. Almost tempted to give it a go at 1000yd B.R.
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