Bolts finished first stage off recovery on way home to get new handle attached thx too mr Nielson
And slowly recovering from little miss sofie
House is very quiet with out the traveling Nielson clan
jacksaligari wrote:I've usually got a spare gun u can use camel if u don't
Thanks Jack, I received a long slender tube from His Madness (Jacko) in the mail today, will be looking around for something to screw it into. Just depends on if my rabbits are out breeding after this rain, hoping for a good spring/summer this year.
Hi camel rang his madness up today and had a chat he was glueing up his new lg stock I think he said at lunch time today so he's getting in early for next year
jacksaligari wrote:Hi camel rang his madness up today and had a chat he was glueing up his new lg stock I think he said at lunch time today so he's getting in early for next year
Well the Bartlein ran in pretty good. Fired 24 shots all up and did a bit of testing while doing so. First 4 were 1 shot and clean and used those to get a zero at 100 yds. Then 3 lots of 2 and 3lots of 3. These 3 groups measured an average of .496 with a vertical average of.278. These loads were rough as I used reject projectiles, powder loads straight off the dispenser without fine tuning on scales and not run over the concentricity gauge. Groups measured moore in windage which is typical of the Ravenshoe range. The last group was 5 shots straight using some of my left over match ammo rom Narromine. This measured .438 in windage and .140 in vertical. So it appears as if the load from my present Maddco wil shoot in the Bartlein. Am going to try it out at 700m. on Sundar at the Cairns Range.
Cheers all,