Looks like I'm going fox hunting, got kinda tired of seeing everyone else nailing foxes on here so thought I should get onto it
I gave in to an urge to give one of those new fangled remote predator calls a try and ordered one of the icotec GC350 units, should be here next week so I'm itching to give it a try.
The young bloke will be home from uni for the mid year break for a week or two shortly so it'll be a good chance for quality time shooting some stuff, so it should get a good work out then
I'll post up some pics and first impressions when it gets here, hopefully to be shortly followed by photos of some dead foxes
I spent a fair bit of my youth strolling around with a tin whistle, a mini fox terrier and the Browning A5 (woohoo Super X magnum BB's) or the Sako .17Rem. It was fun times and looking forward to whacking a few once again for some light relief.
Rest easy though I'm not giving up deer hunting, my dogs would never forgive me if I did that
Last edited by Waldo on Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Camel wrote:Well, where are the photos of the dead foxes mate, we've been waiting all of five hours now, you should have a few knocked up by now, surely.
Get into em mate.
All in good time Camel, I thought I should at least wait for Auspost to do its thing first
Well, my caller arrived today. Gotta be happy with the service, certainly prompt
Had a quick unboxing and whacked some batteries in and gave the unit a trot on the lounge room floor, all good there. I just need to get it out and give it a trot, mm better start planning something
Ive thought a heap of times that a caller would be good, with a speaker mounted on the bull bar, for calling in foxes of a night time, just drive around the paddocks with it blasting away, while dragging a dead critter along for an extra attractor. Give it a go and let me know how that works mate, I may just get on and do it myself.