The Raven wrote:So why have any specific laws on objects? If it's used as a weapon it's a weapon, otherwise who gives a flying...
I agree totally. But that does not suit our Political masters. Politicians do not care about your rights and freedoms. They only care about looking good in the eyes of the sheeple and getting re elected. As long as the sheeple can live under the illusion of safety they don't care.
I am reminded of the words of Ayn Rand: "There is no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."
The Raven wrote:So, if it's here it must be legal....and I can ignore all their crap.
If it was only that easy!!
One of the ironies is that most of the knives that fail the Customs Flick test and are therefore prohibited to import are quite legal to own under most State laws.
As for the knives themselves, I cant get excited about them, way too flashy for an old fart like me. Give me a good solid folder like the Old Timer range and Ill drool, these new styles look like shit to me.
Here is my two Spydercos and a couple of old Old Timers (for Camel).
Spydercos and Old Timers
My Spydercos are for a bit different use and being one handed open is part of the reason for having them. The black "Assist" I bought for on by belt and the orange "Rescue" was issued a few years later for swiftwater work but gets carried in my overalls. Don't get used often but they have been tested in the field. Sharpen them on Spyderco Triangle sharpener for the serrations, keep a good edge. The Delicia and Salts were on my wish list for a while.
Like my Old Timers as well, sharpened on what ever is available at the time.
Qeer laws. I have one of those Spiderco Orange Rescues, it came into the tip on a life jacket, I told old mate that there was a knife on the jacket when he was throwing it into the waste bin and he said I don't want it (wtf) so I jumped in and grabbed it, it's a ripper of a knife.