chris.tyne wrote:I miss the fact that I if I wanted one I could have one back then.
And I think that's the biggest point to be made. Yeah, maybe a semi auto isn't the right tool for you, no worries, don't buy one then, but for others that hunt different game in different conditions, semi autos might be just what the doctor ordered, so to speak.
I would love to be able to have a 10/22 in the safe as well as nan AR. But what I want mostly is to be able to put a can on my rifles now! I am not one for high volume shooting however when I used to chase goats on a mates place in NSW it would have come in handy and also for the piggies. But mostly I just want a can! I hate earmuffs an TBH I don't think I will ever go on a group hunt again because it doesn't feel safe as soon as eye contact is lost(basically guaranteed in scrub). If I cannot hear or see my mates, I'm not shooting and I am going back to the ute.
Waldo I can see your point about loosing something your old man got you when you were youngster, that's a real shame. I was never that sentimental about my autos, but I reckon I would have been if I was in your situation like so many others,
"There can be no just compensation in a forced sale. The just price is the one a buyer and seller freely agree on. What makes a transaction legitimate is not compensation but consent." Sheldon Richman, Editor, Ideas on Liberty
@mick_762 Yes, I remember when this was a free country.
@kjd Yep, 8 shots with an extension mag. Hmm Fresh duck! Yum!!
@camel Yes there were winners. But for every winner there were as many losers. I personally know of several people who got screwed. The values were arbitrarily enforced. Most lost heavily on accessories.
@waldo Of course the criminals handed theirs in (Do we have a sarcasm font anywhere?)
I was never a fan of self loaders, but I do miss my 12g Win 1200 pump and the pistols that went in the second round.
I believe that it was the greatest theft of lawfully acquired property and a massive injustice to all Firearms owners. I will never forgive the Evil Dwarf!
I believe that it eventually helped put the Liberals out of Government.