Shot 1 hit the rear RH rod, shot 2 took out the front rod and skimmed across the unit taking out the rear housing, shot 3 neatly snipped the cable to the control box on the bench.
Accuracy was not repeatable, probably due to the front of the scope waggling around in the air.
From the rifle, with it all working properly, I'm looking for consistent sub 0.4MOA @ 200m. I'm getting under 0.5 @100m without too much work, but will need to stretch it out to prove the accuracy I'm after.
I have some other bullets to try, whilst the Custom Comps are good, I'm thinking that they just are not quite good enough and another (more expensive) bullet may well work better. If I can wring 0.5MOA out of the 105gn AMAX I will be very happy as they are just for larger critters.
Not much shooting, but since no-one has taken me up on the Cerakoting offer yet, I spent some time finishing some personal projects...
It is a bit bleck.
I shortened the WildDog magazine box so that it comfortably holds four, five will also fit. In future I would add another 4mm to the length and it will work like a charm with 5.
The 105gn AMAX bullets fly to the same PoI as the 105gn Bergers, and a recent test on a Fallow snack pack showed that they do work - although the range did not support a good test. She was 12m away and the bullet made a deep gory mess, but was not immediately fatal.
Well, some time spent fiddling seating depth with the Berger 105gn BTs has provided results. Seated 60 thou OUT they now perform like you would expect from this rifle.
Today, at 500m, slight reasonably constant breeze from L to R at the firing point, tending to Rear to Front at 500m.