Cant make it up to the Bimbo pizza cook up so thought I'd drag the gear out and treat the mrs and daughter.
Number 1 ready for the oven
Number two after 20 minutes in the oven
The remnants, will go good either cold or re-heated for lunch tomorrow
Make my own pizza dough, then chuck whatever comes to mind on top. Mrs Camel got me a ceramic pizza stone for birthday or something like that a couple of years ago, gets a fair pounding at times.
Fark me, here I was trying to bring a bit of enlightenment to the forum, and look at who jumps all over it, the three Stugers
. But Ill have to give credit where it is due, I did have a bit of a chuckle at the comments.
Good stuff Mark, making your own bases makes all the differance I reckon. Before I build the pizza oven we used those pizza stones a stack. The best way I found was to stick them in the oven with nothing on them for about 20mins with the oven at about 200ish. Then pull them out, and wack the pizza on them. Cooks them fast and with a good crispy base, and pretty similar to what comes out of the pizza oven.
Let me know whenever you are up this way and I will show you what real fast food is - with the pizza oven around 300-350 you get 90 second pizzas
Yeah mate, sounds pretty similar to what I do, the bloody base starts cooking before you can get the topping on, but its much better than having a soggy base. 90 second pizza sounds good.
Got it off the back of the box the stone came in, if you want it Ill cope and post for you, bit of work involved but its one of the better ones I have made over the years.