It's amazing the variances in case length in new rem brass. So I figured I'd trim them back from the start.
Now apart from chamfer and deburr should I do any other case prep?
hahaha I sized them last night, but yeah mate looks like you and I are just as keen. I'll have to get a primer pocket uniformer, I think I'll do that and deburr the flash holes and leave it at that.Camel wrote:![]()
Looks like you and I have been doing the same thing today, I just spent around an hour running the 300 win brass I got the other week through the FL die, then trim to length, chamfer and deburr, uniformed the pockets, then stuck them back in the cupboard till I get motivated again to do some priming. That is my normal prep for any new brass I get.
kjd wrote:hahaha I sized them last night, but yeah mate looks like you and I are just as keen. I'll have to get a primer pocket uniformer, I think I'll do that and deburr the flash holes and leave it at that.Camel wrote:![]()
Looks like you and I have been doing the same thing today, I just spent around an hour running the 300 win brass I got the other week through the FL die, then trim to length, chamfer and deburr, uniformed the pockets, then stuck them back in the cupboard till I get motivated again to do some priming. That is my normal prep for any new brass I get.
I reload but I never have really worried about caseprep short of size and chamfer, but I figured since I cant shoot it may as well get my brass all prepped.
Or use a lee colletRinso wrote:For basic case prep that gives the most bang for buck
FL size to uniform cases
Uniform primer pockets
Trim to same length
You can debur the flash hole but you wont gain that much from the exercise.
Next best thing is to use a bushing die and limit the amount of cold brass movement while gaining some control over neck tension.
Keep your brass clean and as Trev mentioned re-check after first firing
kickinback wrote:Remington brass? The flash holes are punched to match a Remington bolt. All offset from center.
trevort wrote:Hey Keith if you go to a few comps, the br shooters wi;; tell you they all change dimension slightly after fireforming in your chamber. They told me fire them once, then trim. If you measure them all again after firing you might be sad
See Trev I told you all that crap would come in handy one day lol ...trevort wrote:if you think about, if they expand a pooptenth to fireform to your chamber the brass has to come from somewhere, if they expand then they shorten. Maybe too little to notice, but I like the logic and trim after firing now.
Glad I am remembering this stuff, havent had new brass for years and my 257wby brass turned up today. Insane looking case