Y keep his foresight in his field kit? Is he going to throw it at something? I may be mistaken but I do not think it will mount to the new barrel and I do not think keith will have the gear to set it up in his field kit. I forgot there is also no rear sight.
juzz338 wrote:Y keep his foresight in his field kit? Is he going to throw it at something? I may be mistaken but I do not think it will mount to the new barrel and I do not think keith will have the gear to set it up in his field kit. I forgot there is also no rear sight.
You are correct the new barrel does not have open sights and is not drilled and tapped for them. I'd rather not have them I wouldn't use them anyway.
juzz338 wrote:Y keep his foresight in his field kit? Is he going to throw it at something? I may be mistaken but I do not think it will mount to the new barrel and I do not think keith will have the gear to set it up in his field kit. I forgot there is also no rear sight.
There's nothing worse than having a scope that conveniently goes "bung" or that is somehow damaged whilst your away.
At least by having a little "fore site" with your foresight you will be able to at least continue the hunt and not be left cursing about the money and time that you've wasted.
If it's a dedicated hunting rifle, I would have had it tapped but that's just my two bobs worth.
To be honest, I've heard that as a reason for having open sights. . .Very few hunting rifles come with open sights these days. Also can anyone really tell me that they have had a scope fail on a hunting trip and it has ruined their trip? Not stories but actually had it happen to you? Not saying it can't happen, not saying it wouldn't suck I'm just saying the chances are very minute.
I dropped the cat killer on the scope from waist height earlier this year, it didn't cause me problems that trip as it was as I was packing, it did however ruin the next trip as no there is a poi shift from min zoom to max zoom. I missed three cats before I worked out what was going on. Got the next three.
Open sights would not have made a difference as the closest cat was 175m and the furtherest was 261m