please explain how a 20 MOA rail works

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please explain how a 20 MOA rail works

Post by ogre6br »

I have a 20 MOA rail on my 6.5x55 and I dont really know what it's for or how to make use of it.

Can you guys please explain how the rail works in sighting in for long range etc etc

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Post by native hunter »

G'day Ogre6br
Mate I dont know for sure but Im going to tell you what I think.
A 20 MOA rail is not parralel in shape and has a taper as such to it, if it was mounted on top of your rifle and you could see the taper it would look like it is tapering off toward the front of the rifle, this would give it more elevation at the rear than it would at the front.
In effect this raises the rear of the scope so the rifle has to be tilted up more and there fore gives you built in elevation to the mount.
This would be the same as if you shimmed the rear of the scope on a even set of mounts.
I may be wrong but thats how I have perceived it.
I am sure someone will give a better explanation.
Damien webb.
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Post by Ackley Improved »


With most scopes used in long range competition they do not have enough elevation built in to go to the 1000yds. Even on a rifle that is used for 500m, by introducing the slanted base means that you scope adjustments are more central, i.e not wound to nearly out of adjustment.

By introducing a 20MOA rail/base etc, then you have already got 20MOA of elevation before you even start to touch the scope adjustments. Does it by havin the rear of the scope higher than the front, so the scope angles towards the ground. Now, when you aim at your target, the barrel is angled twards the sky. The amounts are only small, but it dont take much.

Its a quick explantation!

Just think, if you were wantitng to shoot to 2000yds, how much adjustment would your scope need? Then you may use a 40MOA base!!

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Post by Rinso »

native hunter,

Don't know why you would expect anyone to give a better explanation than that.


It basically allows you to gain elevation adequete to shoot out to 1000 yds as stated.
A bye product is that it also usually allows for more options in scope placement along its length.

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Post by native hunter »

Yeah Rinso, just coverin my ass.
I think ogre6br should be able to get the drift.!!!!
Damien Webb.
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