ExtraVision 3rd 1000yd BR International Postal Match Results

Benchrest, F-class, Metallic Silhouette, Handgun Shooting and anything other form of target shooting!
Tony Z
.270 Winchester
Posts: 1366
Joined: Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:29 pm

Re: ExtraVision 3rd 1000yd BR International Postal Match Res

Post by Tony Z »

Getting a little uncomfortable for you all hey? Accusations of improper matches, bullying and sour grapes. Pretty poor form, but expected. Predictable tactic.

No need to continue as nothing raised has been answered. Just more bullshit to make it look like we are the bad guys that won't accept or comply.

Still waiting on all the amendments prior to November 2004 Richard. Or is it "didn't you get our memo"?