Just wondering from all those that reload weather they have had a case stuck in a die before? For those of us in the country it can be a real PITA until you get hold of one, I got a case stuck in about my first 100 reloads and was lucky enough to have a bloke working on the same property (helped me get started and setting up) that had a stuck case remove kit. I've never had one stuck since in about 8000+ rounds.
Do you think a "Case remover kit" should be a must when getting a reloading kit together?
Never had one, but I do have a stuck case kit...because I know the first time it happens will be the day before a hunt, with all shops shut, and on the first round of the 100 I need.
Yep had one and so has my young bloke through lack of lube have not had one since I started to use imperial sizing wax.
All you need to make a stuck case remover is a few washers to go over the head than a 1/4 washer and bolt, drill a 3/16 hole through the DEAD primer or primer pocket tap out to 1/4 unc and away you go.
For many years I had only ever used the lee loader for my old 303. When I first started seriously reloading Pat (Ogre6BR) told me to get a stuck case holder with the view that they are cheap and when you want one odds are it will be a show stopper.
I ended up getting a stuck case on about my 3rd ever 223 resize (didnt use lube ) out came the stuck case tool and problem solvered. Since then it has remained in the draw unused but not unwanted.
Ok, who started this thread and jinxed everyone?!
I hadn't had one until the weekend.
You don't really need a stuck case remover kit. I used a 1/4" tap, 1/4" bolt and nut and a 10mm 1/4" drive socket for the spacer (for .223). Any decent hardware shop will have the tap for a couple of dollars.
I've had a few stuck cases but only because I didn't lube inside the neck. It was easy to deal with by allowing the decapping pin to slide through the die then pouring some lube into the neck and putting it back into the die.
Haven't ever had a case stuck due to not lubing the outside. Had a few close calls though until I started using the AWF (thanks ogre).
Had 3 to date. 2 just recently. Need that lube. I remove my stuck cases by drilling and tapping the stuck case, screwing in an appropriate bolt and levering it out with brute force. I will have to by a proper set up one day.