I dont know if your 204 is built to be a dedicated spotlighting rig or is set up as a sporter but assuming it is set up as a spotlighting rig (read med to heavy varmint) I would also look at a walk around 20cal or 22 cal, either another 204 or a 222 or 223. Cant really look past a sako or a tikka for sporters in these calibres. If its not a spotlighting rig then obviously a dedicated spotlight rifle is a must.
A light weight mid range calibre for climbing the hills looking for goats, again Tikka comes to mind and calibres would include 243 & 7mm-08 in short action and 6.5-55 Swede and the 25-06 in long action.
A Marlin lever action in 30/30 for close scrub pigs and fun
A 30-06 for everything else (Buff buster summed this cal up). Again the Tikka T3 Hunter is nice and light and value for money.
Though its not a centrefire I would also include a 22LR, 22WMR or 17HMR for target practice, hunting in more populated areas and because nothing improves a shooters skill more than shooting.
To be fair there is a lot of overlap in all of these calibres. If money was tight I would have a spotlighting rig and a 30-06, if it wasnt I would have as many as I could

Dr G