Here are some photos of the RBA Woollahra shoot held last saturday in the stinking HEAT ! Congrats goes to Geoff Knight for comming 1st and Brett33 for comming a close 2nd. Well done Brett , dont do to gooda job on restocking my Izhmash or i may beat you next time . Cheers Ron
Great photo's would have been better without me in them.
You were too modist to mention who took third, well done considering you had rifle troubles and changed rifles between details. If you keep improving I will have to watch my back for certain, Orange this weekend is your next chance, maybe your best, I have swaped barrels and have run out of my normal ammo.
Hi Brett , The Woollahra Boys and or Girl ,if Simone turns up will be bringing the trophy back home to Sydney sorry to say. I know where you can get some Olyimp-R ? Hows my Baby looking, has she got a star yet ? My New Custom Sporter arrived today , just have to wait for paper work. Cheers Ron
It took me nearly an hour but it has 1 star, second one will go on tomorrow, hopefully you approve.
With Geoff and I running first and second at Malabar we only need 1 other Orange shooter to step up to win the trophy for the first time. I might just break out some Olimp-R, Remind me to tell you about my Olimp-R testing.
Hi Brett , sounds good . I will be leaving at around 530am saturday so hopefully get to Orange around 9am ish depends if Tony is out of bed as he is Never ready.
Cheers Ron