Rifle Scope specs

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Rifle Scope specs

Post by Rinso »

If you could have a scope magnification spec of whatever you wanted what would it be ??

ie 3-9 x 40, 5-15 x 44, what would you have ??

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Re: Rifle Scope specs

Post by kjd »

Rinso wrote:If you could have a scope magnification spec of whatever you wanted what would it be ??

ie 3-9 x 40, 5-15 x 44, what would you have ??

Depends on the rifle and its intended purpose mate!
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Post by fenring »

Depends what it was going on, LOL.

I like a little versatility.

For my .22 I find the 3-9X40 is about perfect, and will fit in low mounts.

For my 6.5 I have a 4-12X40AO that also fits in low mounts and allows close and long shots, as well as decent enough for low light work.

I have a 6-18X42Ao on my .17 HMR - a 4-14 would probably have been fine, but I can still shoot fairly close on 6X, and that's what my .22 spends a lot of it's time on in the field anyway. It's in high mounts, but due to the thumbhole stock the height is spot on anyway.

My Ruger 96/44 has a 1.5 - 4.5X20 in low mounts, so it lines up quick for snapshots on pigs, and the 1.5 will focus at about 3 feet (I don't REALLY want to be that close, LOL) while the 4.5 setting is good for 100 metres plus. That's heaps of magnification for the .44 IMO.
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Post by kjd »

For general varminting duties I don't think you can go past a 4.5-14x or a 6-18x With good eye relief!
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Post by Rinso »


Assume you are able to make a scope for your prefferred type of shooting on your preferred type of rifle .. or like fenring cover all bases what you would have for .. ideally

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Post by HiWall »

Highest would be a 4.5-14 lowest a 2-7. Magnification would increase as calibres got smaller.

One scope only it would be a 3.5-10x40 Leupold VX-III an excellent, practial range of magnification, 4" of eye relief about, tough, best warranty and great performance. Good for little stuff & for big stuff, will mount on actions sizes from .22 Rimfir to .378 Wby.

If I had to restrict it to a cheap scope it would be a non-AO Leupold 2-7x33.
El Toad Man

Post by El Toad Man »

For medium game hunting the higher powers are fairly useless. I have a 3-9x40 on my 243 and the only time I use 9x is on the range. It usually sit between 3-6x. There have been plenty of situations where even 3x is too much. A 2-7x32 or 2-7x40 would be more useful to me for hunting. Although on the range the high power is nice.
But, for varminting, targets are small and far away, so I'd chose a 4-12 or 4.5-14, and up the objective to 50mm or a bit more. (although 56mm scopes seem too big)
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Post by HAIR BEAR »

G'day all
well depends on calibre and max set range (self imposed) , on my .22lr got a 4x32 , can line up the rabbits and foxes , .204 i have 6.5x20x50 need that magnification out to longer distances , my .300 wsm has 2-7x32 samber gun low mount scrub work and across gully !!
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Post by Ackley Improved »

Varmint- 5-25X50 with MLR/TMR reticle

L/R target- 20-50X50 (much like the premier Leupolds) with MLR reticle

4.5-14X50 for general.

All scopes need to have a fair amount of adjustment, and adjustments match reticles. i.e. MOA adjustment for MOA reticle or mil adjustment for mil reticle. Mildot reticles with MOA adjustments just dont make sense!

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Post by Archfile »

i've got 4x, 4-16x and 8-32x on varmint rifles, 22LR, 17hmr and 6-250 in that order.

Depends on what you shoot, where and what the goal is, in my case, decent rabbits get headshot and cleaned up for the freezer, so the bigger
scope makes sense for carefully placed shots.

overkill on the scope in lots of cases makes it harder to shoot well, if
you don't use the full magnification, then you are better off with
something that will adjust lower for close shots

Post by Mullet »

8-32x50 without target turrets

Post by mike »

Are variable scopes over emphasised I have got a 3-9x42 on my rifle which is a heavy varmit and I only ever have it on 9. I am going to up grade and probably will get a 8x56. Two hundred metres is a long way but with an 8x you can head shoot a fox night or day.

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Post by kjd »

For some people they are but for me I usually use the variables a fair bit.
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Post by Ned Kelly »

G'Day All,
I use a leupold 6.5-20x40 EFR o my .223 and woluld love to buy another for my 22lr. Best all round scope I've every used.
If I couldn't get a variable I'd have a 12x leupold AO on my centrefires and a 6x AO on my RF if one existed.
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Post by woob614271 »

Ned Kelly, Leupold have a couple of 6X AO scopes you might look at; a 6X36 and their brilliant 6X42.
the Woob
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