Just wanted to say thanks for the advise and tips that I have found through asking questing and searching this forum. So thanks guys and girls.
Went to the range this morning with loads of 24.0gr through to 25.8gr of BM2 at 0.3gr incriments loaded with 55gr Vmaxs seated at 20 thou off the lands. I am using federal once fired cases which I decrimped using the RCBS swager - it was cheaper to buy the swager than it was to buy another 200 cases.
Groups ranged from just under 2inches to one which was 0.77 and the majority just under and over 1inch.
All my rounds went BANG, none went BOOM or Puff. So all in all I would call it a sucessfuly first reloading session.
Here is a pick of my coffee table reloading setup.