Marine National Parks News

Everything that is outdoors and not hunting or shooting. Talk about fishing, 4wd, archery, camping, motorbike riding etc etc.
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Marine National Parks News

Post by kjd »

From the desk of Robert Borsak/Robert Brown:
Download and read the PDF attached
ACORF Final Report 19-03-09 as sent-1-1.pdf
(443.78 KiB) Downloaded 19 times
Hi Fellow Freedom Fighters.
The Minister for Lock-Ups ( National Parks), delayed setting up an "independent" scientific review of the efficacy of Marine National Parks. ACoRF, the DPI Minister's advisory council on recreational fishing, bit the bullet and had an independent review prepared. Here it is.... and as you will see, Prof. Kearney makes mince meat out of the outrageous claims made by the Darksiders re Marine National Parks ( see attached pdf. file)
Spread it far and wide please..... even if you don't live or work or fish on the coast, these extreme greens are starting to go after freshwater "Aquatic Reserves" now.
They are NEVER satisfied.....
PS The "new" Green isn't "blue"...... its Ash Grey.......

Robert Brown, MLC
The Shooters' Party
Parliament House Sydney
Phone 02 9230 2573
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Re: Marine National Parks News

Post by MISSED »

The new gren is now ash gray :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) F@#k just cracked a rib :) :)
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