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Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:24 pm
by Curtley78
G'day fellas,

One of our little lurks on the Waterfront is that we have ample time on our allocated breaks to enjoy a sport of Fishing and not just chasing Yakkas, Leather-jacket or the odd sized Bream.

I'm talking about Jeweys, Kingies, Taylor, Snapper, the odd Lobster and Blue Swimmer.

Its our very own little sanctuary and when the chips are down you will never leave work with-out a feed, although some within management try and prevent the workforce from pursuing their recreational interests.

(A very diplomatic #@*k off and if you were not robbing us of our meal allowance we wouldn't be fishing in the harbour tends to move them along quickly as does the prospect of ending up in a Crab pot)

Last year during Smoko I caught a Jewey the size of my leg and we ate Jewey cutlets for the next couple of months.

Given that Summer is again on our doorstep I thought I would take my hand lines to work for a bit of fishing, yesterday I caught some very decent sized Squire, unfortunately none were big enough to keep and so decided to throw them back.

Today I decided to throw the lines out again, however decided to have a play with a couple of lures and a Squid jig that I purchased last year. One of the lures has the rattle and was designed to drive Jeweys into a frenzy, however, I never fish for Jeweys during daylight and I only wanted to observe the movement of the lure.

After a few casts I decide to change to the Squid jig and cast it as far as I could and slowly wound her back in, to my surprise and complete amazement, there were 5 as long as my arm, at first I thought they were sand Sharks, then realised they were King fish.

They followed the Squid jig.

Quickly reeling back in, biting the line and rigging up a Squeegee I had cast out again, within 30 seconds the Squidgee had been hit, the line was tort and 10 seconds later the King fish had snapped the line clean unfortunately I was only using a light line.

Value for money and performance there are no better lures then Squidgees.

What a rush, on the way home I called into the bait 'n' tackle supply and stocked up on Californian Squid and Squidgees.

There's nothing better then fresh sea-food in Summer and tomorrow I will rig the lines again!

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:50 pm
Well done Sean an dgood luck for tomorrow :roll:
#@$%$#@%G kingfish%&$#@ :cry:

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:54 pm
by V|PeR
couple pics of what your landing will only make us all more jealous :lol:

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:28 am
by 1kshot
Good onya Sean Kingies get my blood pumpin as well :D Ill wait with eager anticipation on tomorrows haul

All the best

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:09 pm
by Curtley78
Would you believe that I arrived at work two hours early yesterday to rig the lines, I even had my heavy duty rod and reel, I had them set for the entire Afternoon shift and caught absolutely nothing.

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:32 am
by stinkitup
Sean Ambrose wrote:Would you believe that I arrived at work two hours early yesterday to rig the lines, I even had my heavy duty rod and reel, I had them set for the entire Afternoon shift and caught absolutely nothing.

Sounds like typical fishing Sean, you were too prepared it only happens when you think I've got a few min's first line goes in, still rigging the second when whammo :D Have fun.

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:45 pm
by 1kshot
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thats why its called FISHING and not SHOPPING

Dare I say it maybe next time :D

All the best

Today was a good day.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:32 pm
by Curtley78
G'day Fellas,

On my way to work this morning I encountered a Rusa Deer crossing the road, however I was unable to verify as to whether it was a Doe or a young Buck as it didn't have any antlers.

I arrived at work at about 0515 thinking that I was going to be in for a good day only to find that I was being transfered to operational duties (unloading the Ship). What a drag (this was going to impede upon my recreational activities).

During Smoko I decided to take my fishing tackle and the bag of Prawns that I purchased earlier that morning on the way to work down to the end of the Wharf, within 15 minutes I had hooked something large that snapped the line clean.

Five minutes later I had caught a Squire and two Orange cod, unfortunately, I had to release them because of their insufficient size.

With 15 minutes of Smoko remaining I had decided that I would have one last attempt and decided to sift through the bag of Prawns and found the biggest and smelliest of all.

Having casted and contemplating that 'this is a waste of time' I watched with excitement as the line was being taken into the water.

I remember thinking 'that's not the weight of the sinker' and then carefully felt the line. Bang, like a Torpedo it was off, within seconds I had let go almost 50 meters of line.

I had to let it run because had I have not it would have snapped the line clean.

Fortunately my angling had attracted some attention from the maintenance workers who came to my aid with a pair of Rigging gloves. Having fitted the gloves and after it had tired I wound the line back in, only for the Fish to try and attempt to run under the Ship.

Finally, the Fish had become somewhat tired and I wound the remaining 20 or so meters in.

I wound my catch within 3 meters from the Wharfs edge and to a depth of about 1.5 meters, I then noticed a Silvery flash and at first thought that it was a large Bream and then with one last final attempt it thrashed about.

I had finally caught and landed a King Fish, so on the way home I thought I should also buy a Lottery ticket for Lottos $30 million.

Who Knows? They say that good luck comes in threes!

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:27 am
Sean photo`s mate photo`s

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:35 am
by Knackers
Great read Sean
Sean photo`s mate photo`s
Yep photo's :wink:

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:39 pm
by Curtley78
Apologies for the quality of the photo and the clobba that I am wearing, I am not an inmate at Long Bay nor am I a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay.

This is what we have to wear down on the waterfront and if it wasn't for the razor wire and cyclone fences I might actually feel like a citizen contributing toward society and not some criminal serving sentence) :mrgreen:

The image was taken with the camera on a mobile phone and Wharfie's are not exactly the most skilled in photography.

Apparently these can grow to a length of 2 meters with a body weight of 40-45 Kilo's.



Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:55 pm
by Knackers
Good stuff mate, I've never caught a king fish. :wink:

Re: Lurks of the Waterfront.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:41 pm
by Brad Y
Kingfish are awesome, ive caught a similar species- samsonfish
