Was out at Googong the other week. Second trip in the Yak. Chasing anything really but was hopeful of Yella or cod.
Covered a fair bit of ground and got snagged heaps (your in the zone if your getting snagged they recon).
Came round a corner and spotted some piglets tracking round the edge of the water, got in fairly close without being spotted.
Around the next corner I spotted a lone boar (looked more boar’ish than sow). Tried to get close but it had seen me and had other ideas.
Didn’t really look like catching anything till I hit the last bay on the paddle back to the ramp when I picked up a Redfin that was only just bigger than the diver I had on. Kept him for fillets although there was that moment of can IBF filleting. Shame there’s no hunting in this joint otherwise I could have had surf and turf.

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