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Re: What are your Simple and cheap camping recipes?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:22 am
by brahman
1 camp oven
1nice fire with good cools
1large bottle of cheap red wine
Several packets of french onion soup mix ( choice of flavour strength )
Steak enough for every body
Beer or prefurred drink

Pour some wine in camp oven about 1cm place some steaks on bottom then sprinkle some french onion soup mix on steaks and more wine more steaks more soup mix till all gone let simmer till cooked just keep adding more wine for it makes the gravy keep lid on whole time while cookn
Peel potatoes and make mash
when all cooked place mash on plate then scoup steak and gravey out and place on plate and pour eccess gravey on yum

Grab camp chair beer or favourite drink sit back and chow in and ejnoy