First off I measured the widest parts of the knife and after adding a mm or 2 cut out a block of wood to those dimensions. The top side of the block is then rounded off as this is what the leather will be formed over. The block is then screwed to a larger piece of timber. Using the same dimensions and adding another 3mm to allow for the thickness of the leather cut out a negative - this goes over the form and wet leather to hold it all in place while the leather dries and sets in shape.

After cutting out an appropriately oversized piece of leather - I am using 2.5mm veg tan leather - the leather is then soaked in warm water for a minuet or 2 until it is soft and plyable. Using your fingers and then any hard smooth object work the leather over the form and into shape - the white thing in the pic is called a bone folder for anyone who cares

Once the shape is fairly tight against the form push the negative over the top and clamp down making sure the the leather remains in place

This is as far as I got today and now I will leave it like this for 24hrs or so and then is should be dry and hold its shape