Anyway I would love to make them from scratch ie shape and grind steel, harden/temper etc but I didn't want to invest a bunch of time into making a bit of steel resemble a knife only to screw it up somehow adding the handles so I figured some baby steps where in order. I was searching through a few knife supply places and noticed that you can pick up some ready make 440c stainless knife blanks for around $15usd. My train of thought was that if I completely screw it up then its not a huge amount of dollars or time spent/invested and it it comes out OK then I should have a reasonable and completely usable hunting knife. Also final product would be easy to sell off for cost of materials or give away as gift etc. So I went shopping

Last time I was home I pinched a piece of well seasoned mahogany which I though do reasonably well a knife handle material so I cut some 100x10x40mm ish pieces. Also cut out some white liner to match. The white liner was scratched up with 80grit sand paper then some araldite applied and clamped to the mahogany and let set for 24hrs - the board that the pieces are clamped to is wrapped in a sheet of kitchen baking paper as the epoxy won't stick to it.

Next afternoon I roughed out the shape of the handles and drilled the holes for the pin stock using the knife as a template - I discovered 2 annoying things 1. I didn't order any 3/32 (2.4mm) stainless pins but a quick rummage round found some 2.4mm stainless tig welding wire which will do the job nicely. and no.2 was that my bench drill chuck won't hold a 2.5mm drill bit so I had to use the cordless and I am the worlds worst person for trying to drill straight - came out ok though

Also shaped up the front of the handle - once glue in place you can't easily sand/finish this part without scratching the bejebus out of the blade - all sanded to 600 grit. I quite like the look of the timber - can also see the white spacers here.

Next I decided I didn't like the gloss polish on the knife blade so hit that with some wet and dry to give it a matt/satin finish

Once I had cut the 2.4mm welding wire into appropriately sized pin I roughed them up with a bit of 80grit sand paper then cleaned everything with some acetone it was time to glue it all together.
This was how I left it last night - all glued up, taking care to clean any excess glue from around the front of the knife so there is no cleanup required.

This arvo when I get home from work I will go and see how may of the clamps are glued to the knife handles and if I have managed to glue the whole knife to the work bench