For those that know me they realise that I don’t like to leave any stone unturned. As I had only recently parted company with my 50yr Sako L579 308 and replaced it with the more modern all weather version. A long sort after Sako 75 Finnlight 308. This new rifle had a lot to live up to but it was time for a change.
The rifle and calibre I wanted was always an easy choice. Getting the setup correct was to be my challenge. I always want to get the best out of my rifles and I like to know their trajectory and capabilities like the back of my hand. As I have stated, this is to be my “GO TO” rifle. The one that you just want to carry and shoot. It has to be light, robust, deadly accurate and basically fit my shooting expectations.
As I mentioned the rifle and calibre were always known but the next issue was scope choice. As I do a fair bit of long range work I wanted this rifle to have the capabilities if need be. I wanted to at least know it capabilities out to 600yds. On my previous rifle I had the little Leupold 2.5-8 with the Boone Crockett reticule. The reticule worked OK but remembering to put the scope on the correct power to get the hold over right was often overlooked. So in short I am over ranging reticules. I want to be able to range my target and then simply dial in with the turret. There are many scopes that have the turret setup that I wanted but not in the correct scope power. I wanted a scope in the 3-9 range. A top end rig with low weight. The 3-10x42 Z3 Swarovski was top of the list but is unable to be purchased with the “BT” ballistic turret option. Plus I don’t like some of the Swaro reticules.
So in short I managed to track down a Kahles 3-9x42 CL MZ from ELKS. Thanks again to Sol and the boys, they were very helpful. CL stands for compact, light. MZ stands for Multizero turret. The Multizero is a bit like an agricultural version of the Swaro Ballistic Turret or “BT” for short. Once set it has a Zero stop. In my case this will be at 200yds. Now I loved the scope but the Multizero turret just looks a little ugly. So I decided to tidy it up by machining my own turret cap and having a simple ballistic label made up to go under the Knurling. These labels can be ordered from here.
It was either labels or Laser etching. The latter being a little too permanent at this stage. $20 for four labels seems good value to me. Until I finalise my load development I obviously won’t be ordering any labels.
It’s no point buying a light weight rifle and just adding heavy scopes and rings etc. I decided to go with the “Conetrol” scope rings as I already had the bases. IMO they are light, tough and elegant.
Here's a few photos of the progress.

The Standard Multizero Cap "cover"

The Multizero Turret itself

My turret after Anodising

I am now in the process of load development with this rifle and thought I would look for something different. I use to use ADI 2208 in my old L579 behind 150gr SST’s with great success. So the 150gr SST’s stayed but the powder is where the changes have happened. I have been doing a little research on a new Alliant Powder “Power Pro 2000 MR”. It got some great reviews so I tracked some down and loaded away.
The listed maximum is 52gr’s of this powder behind a 150gr Projectiles. I managed to get up to 52.5gr’s before the primers showed any form of flattening. The bit that blew me away was that with this load I had cracked the 3000fps barrier with a 150gr projectile. Chronographed at 3014fps out of a barrel that is just over 20” was amazing from a 308. 51.5grs put 3 shots under 1/2MOA and clocked just over 2900fps. So with a little bit more development I should hopefully achieve what I want from this rifle.
I will keep you posted and add photos when I get the ballistic label.
For those that are interested I am posting a little bit of an update on my current project. First of all I machined another turret as I wasn't 100% happy with the angle on the top of the cap. With that done I started doing some ballistic calculations and then decided to have a go a making a trial range label for the turret. The Kahles as like many Euro scopes has 1/3MOA clicks which makes it a little bit more of challenge when using some ballistic software. With the ballistics sorted I used Excel to help print out a label with the correct increments for the scope. I want something simple and it doesn't have to be varmint precise but good enough for larger game out to around the 4-500yd distance. With the MZ turret it gives me one complete rotation once the zero stop is set. Zeroed at 200yds this will almost give up to 800yds on the dial, not that it is required. So here is a photo of the label I printed onto some adhesive paper and then just ran some sticky tape around it to help seal it a bit. Remember this is temporary and will eventually be replaced with a more professional version once the range work is complete. The Numbers represent 100yd increments.
Getting very close to finishing this rifle now so here's a bit of an update.
I have yet to buy a rifle that I like the standard Butt Pad and this Finnlight was no exception. So with that I thought I would try the Limbsaver pre-fit pad made for this rifle. I am a big fan of Decelerator pads but The pre-fit option for the synthetic stock seemed a better option. Length of pull was to be an issue and unlike most rifles that I cut the stock to suit this wasn't really an option on the Finnlight, or was it. I noticed the new pad was slightly undersized to the rear end of the stock so I started thinking, can I cut this stock to suit? Having never ever contemplated cutting a synthetic/plastic stock before I thought about it for best part of a week. I have fitted many pads to timber stocks but this was the unknown. After trying many different saws and cutting every bit of scrap plastic that was in sight, my compound mitre saw with a Tungsten carbide blade was the preferred method. With the stock taped where the cut was to be made and my heart in my mouth the cut was made. Cut like a razor only needing a light sand to remove a few little burrs. I ended up taking 8mm off the stock and the pad ended up being about 0.5mm larger than the stock. I am very happy with the overall finish. It is far from perfect but a massive improvement over the original. I will be doing some more range testing on the weekend so I will be interested to feel the difference.

The other major change is I have weakened and purchased the genuine Sako "Set Trigger" as I know these are a fantastic addition to these rifles. After fitting and with a little bit of adjustment the trigger unset breaks between 1.75 and 2lbs and set it is just on 0.5 lbs with no creep what so ever.
Here's a couple,of photos.

Push forward to SET

I am just waiting on my turret labels and I am about finished. Then for the next project.
Received my labels from "Custom Turret Systems" today and they are a quality product. Thanks to Daniel for making the labels exactly how I wanted them. Making the numbers a little larger than normal for my fading eyes.

I am settled on my main load for this rifle now which is as follows. Winchester brass, Winchester large rifle primers, 150gr SST's, 51.5gr's of Alliant Power Pro 2000MR running at just over 2900fps and with a 3 shot group just under 1/2MOA.
With the rifle sighted 1.7" high at 100 for a 200yd zero and with the Turret having 1/3MOA clicks below is the click chart that has worked out just about spot on.
Range(yd) Clicks
--------- ------
0 0
25 3
50 -4
75 -5
100 -5
125 -4
150 -3
175 -2
200 0
225 2
250 3
275 5
300 7
325 9
350 11
375 13
400 15
425 18
450 20
475 23
500 25
525 28
550 30
575 33
600 36
625 39
650 42
675 45
700 49
725 52
750 56
775 59
800 63
Click chart generated for .308 150 GR SST
Muzzle Velocity = 2900 ft/sec, BC = 0.432
Final challenge will be to have a little play with some 110gr Vmax projectiles. I want to see if I can get them shooting a similar trajectory as above while having the same or similar impact point on the target at 100yds. This will take a bit of experimenting but I will give it a try with some ADI 2206H. This is not a high priority but one I would like to give a try.
Cheers Robbo