Thanks, it came up pretty well I reckon, there are a few things I would change or not super happy with - there is a couple of stitches that didn't sit right (OCD much?), been doing a bit of stitching practice and watching a few good detailed videos on youtube which helps a lot. Also got some new thread which makes a massive difference to how it lays down - never thought I would get excited about sewing thread
The belts also came out really good I think and are nice and simple to make - Wore mine to church on Saturday morning and now have a couple of orders for them

For anyone wanting to give leather a go it reckon making a belt is the way to go. Nice and easy but look pretty smart when you are done and most leather supply places will sell straps of leather cut to width for various belts and you can even buy them pre dyed, then just pick your buckle to suit and sew or rivet it on.
For anyone interested and thinking about doing anything similar here are a few youtube videos that I have found really helpful
Folded Knife Sheath
Pouch Sheath and some info on wet forming
Saddle stitch
Next project is going to be a leather notebook cover - should make me look all fancy like when I go to work meetings